What is the first thing you do when start trading?


You should first read reviews of the broker you want to trade with. Align your personal goals and temperament with the instruments and markets that you can comfortably relate to. And of course you should always keep on learning


First thing is to learn and practice forex trading. Others will come later on


Surely, we should learn about forex trading. We will not get maximal result if we do not have knowledge and skills here. Forex trading is risky business, we must prepare ourselves with a lot of practice. Try to use demo account to start trading in forex, Forex education also can be used to get knowledge.


Of course the choose of broker is very important but this is not hard task, you should simply choose one of the wellknown regulated companies with competitive trading conditions, most of such companies are very similar and it is difficult to make a wrong choise. The next step is trading and this step is a bit harder, because you need to have a profitable strategy.


Drink a cup of coffee - slowly

Drink a cup of coffee - slowly

That is a good idea.

I first take look at the charts, and then take a 15-20 minutes pause. Then, when I come back, I start to look for trading opportunities - if I decide in the moment I take a first look at the chart, the decision is almost always the wrong


It is generally believed that, upper limit new Forex traders are not interested about demo trading. Because, open their demo account with a market maker trading broker where they do not get enough instructive support. This is way; most of the new Forex traders are not interested to learn Forex. By the way, my trading learning period was much different and interesting with ‘MxTrade’ trading broker. Because, this ECN trading broker provided me most exclusive trading facilities. specifically, their video tutorial helps me very much to learn technical technique of Forex market. So, I become a profitable Forex trader by only three months trading experience. Without demo, the success of a Forex trader is really impossible.


First I asked myself that actually I have the ability to achieve success or not?


First I decide if I want to trade that day or not (like the FOMC day that I did not trade)


I read. A lot.


A cup of coffee