Better than SLOPE DIRECTION LINE - page 2

When people say "we" it presupposes that there is a powerful group of trigger happy thugs behind the person, ready and willing to pressure "us" to do as being told

I know these guys, they are bad, I would do as they say if I knew how to code an ea. coders your life is at threat


Dont make fun of anything u cant do

I know these guys, they are bad, I would do as they say if I knew how to code an ea. coders your life is at threat
Dont make fun of anything u cant do

because you think that your thread is not a joke ? it is one of the funniest in the whole forum...


then they are not good coders

I know these guys, they are bad, I would do as they say if I knew how to code an ea. coders your life is at threat
then they are not good coders

Comming from a guy that "has" a "100 from a 100 system" that is a bold statement

then they are not good coders

Man get down to earth or buy some neurons. I'm writing this not to make fun, but because I really care about your mental health and have sympathy for you. You're talking about an indicator no one has ever heard of. You want someone to code something out of it and you don't even post that indicator or link to it... How are we supposed to take that but as a joke ?


I do not understand :

Somebody that des not know that "slope direction line" is Hull makes a statement about "100 of 100", he is told that slope direction line is not "slope direction line" but hull and that 100 of 100 is not possible (not even for HFT) and he still continues? Strange time we are living in. At least before they had a better story


"Buzzer" is a renamed price channel stops indicator using sinc for smoothing the values (which makes the smoothed values unpredictable - sinc function is giving asymmetric values when used for smoothing that way - that was a work of someone that does not know exactly how it is done in order to make proper sinc digital filters). It was used by tudorgirl and his aliases in a scamm he tried to pull of on FF but ultimately he got banned for it by twee

Of the rest : no comment either


so its not the Grail

(damn) i was hoping to be a millionaire by Christmas