Launch Optimizations programmatically


Hi everyone

I'm still getting started with MQL5, I'm sorry if it is a FAQ or has already been answered in this forum.

A friend of mine asked me if optimizations can be run programmatically. What are we trying to do is to

1) Launch a set of optimizations on different strategies at the same time.

2) Launch an optimization on datasets different from "offical data" (I'd use this to test the tester itself)

3) Launch optimizations using parameters programmatically

 I've found a little "hack" to perform pt.3. I've found that there are text files (.set) containing strategy parameters in "tester" folder. If parameters cannot be set programmatically, I always can try to generate such files. Tell me if there are cleaner options aviable 


Any link would be greatly appreciated :)

 many thanks



Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Running MQL5 Program Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Running MQL5 Program Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Running MQL5 Program Properties - Documentation on MQL5

See this topic

All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud

and in particular


Hi everyone

I'm still getting started with MQL5, I'm sorry if it is a FAQ or has already been answered in this forum.

A friend of mine asked me if optimizations can be run programmatically. What are we trying to do is to

1) Launch a set of optimizations on different strategies at the same time.

2) Launch an optimization on datasets different from "offical data" (I'd use this to test the tester itself)

Bear in mind with MT5 you cannot use your own History data, only data that comes from a Broker.
AlessandroCarra, if you are getting started with MQL5 and want to do all this optimization stuff, I can't imagine what tests you will do after becomes an expert ;-)