Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 37


Have you seen the BODY of WATER dividing Iceland and Europe?...How can Iceland be a part of European Union?

Have you seen the BODY of WATER dividing Iceland and Europe?...How can Iceland be a part of European Union?

Isn't that the country that jailed a couple of banksters and got their financial system in order? I could imagine what would they do to Juncker

Isn't that the country that jailed a couple of banksters and got their financial system in order? I could imagine what would they do to Juncker

340 LA, it's like 2 minutes drive on the freeway...not even a country if you ask me...what they can do?

340 LA, it's like 2 minutes drive on the freeway...not even a country if you ask me...what they can do?

Luxemburg has 500 thousands (a little bit more then Iceland) and you can spit from one end of the country to the other, and look what Juncker did

Cyprus looks like a bunch of kids playing tax evasion games compared to what the President of European Commission did. At last Iceland decided not to do what all the m...s talk : "go to EU and we shall all be rich like Midas". See how rich they are (all - that can not decide anything any more now, and see what wonders are delivered to Ukraine).

And now that creature is blabbing about the necessity t have European army due to "immediate danger that Europe is experiencing". A parrot that never had a mind of his own (looks familiar?) is on a road to do (again) what his masters are ordering (again). His masters voice ... must be obeyed, doesn't it?

Luxemburg has 500 thousands (a little bit more then Iceland) and you can spit from one end of the country to the other, and look what Juncker did

Cyprus looks like a bunch of kids playing tax evasion games compared to what the President of European Commission did. At last Iceland decided not to do what all the m...s talk : "go to EU and we shall all be rich like Midas". See how rich they are (all - that can not decide anything any more now, and see what wonders are delivered to Ukraine).

And now that creature is blabbing about the necessity t have European army due to "immediate danger that Europe is experiencing". A parrot that never had a mind of his own (looks familiar?) is on a road to do (again) what his masters are ordering (again). His masters voice ... must be obeyed, doesn't it?

if Putin is indeed murdered, things might go downhill...


@ #Russia's embassy in London all the people from the military & defense attache office left the country

Kremlin is preparing an important statement, journalists asked not to disperse on #weekend


@ #Russia's embassy in London all the people from the military & defense attache office left the country

Kremlin is preparing an important statement, journalists asked not to disperse on #weekend


And what about this part :

Крепитесь, ребята - Путин перешел на другой уровень в вашей игре...
And what about this part :

could mean few things...don't know what exactly...

Where did you get it?

could mean few things...don't know what exactly... Where did you get it?

Second twitted message in that article (lower at the page)

Second twitted message in that article (lower at the page)

whatever it's not good