Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 12


i get the feeling it'll be a good time to buy some stocks (soon-ish)

are they trying to cause a global panic?

soon no-one will leave the house to go to work, and worst of all won't buy any more plastic trinkets

after one case was announced in the US the other day, the peasants were running for their lives through the supermarket

still no real news on a vaccine yet, and IS about to take over Europe

goodness knows what comes next... but get the feeling it'll get worse before it gets better

at least some of the crazies in the US saw it all coming and are well prepared for the end of the world

not sure how long my 9 cans of beans and a few loaves of bread will last though

might have to risk catching ebola and visit the shops

but do love a good market selloff, so everything's not so bad

i get the feeling it'll be a good time to buy some stocks (soon-ish)

are they trying to cause a global panic?

soon no-one will leave the house to go to work, and worst of all won't buy any more plastic trinkets

after one case was announced in the US the other day, the peasants were running for their lives through the supermarket

still no real news on a vaccine yet, and IS about to take over Europe

goodness knows what comes next... but get the feeling it'll get worse before it gets better

at least some of the crazies in the US saw it all coming and are well prepared for end of the world

not sure how long my 9 cans of beans and a few loaves of bread will last though

might have to risk catching ebola and visit the shops

First: PETER FRAMPTON LYRICS - Do You Feel Like We Do

Second: Obama Refusal To Release Data On US Military Ebola Vaccine Shocks Russia ( I know it is not reliable source...but... )


Does anyone feel that "Plunge Protection Team" is trying desperately to "Save Dah Market" today?


Let me get it straight...DOW almost recovered losses from high 400's today...with no fundamentals to support that reck_O!_very...I can say...I got THAT feeling...

Does anyone feel that "Plunge Protection Team" is trying desperately to "Save Dah Market" today?

that was just my 100,000lots

presumably Obama and congress and nearly all of the other world leaders have already had their Ebola jabs (possibly non available for North Korea)

all the government leaders need to pull their fingers out

with a bit of luck chairmen Yellen will save the day on Friday?


You know they say Kim Jong-un appeared after 3 month of not being seen...but how do they know it was really him???...(not being a racist right now...or anything)...

that was just my 100,000lots

presumably Obama and congress and nearly all of the other world leaders have already had their Ebola jabs (possibly non available for North Korea)

all the government leaders need to pull their fingers out

with a bit of luck chairmen Yellen will save the day on Friday?
Does anyone feel that "Plunge Protection Team" is trying desperately to "Save Dah Market" today?

They are only concerned about the stocks - and they saved it today.

That is the reason why QE4 us coming : they have tried to tapper the QE, and see what is happening in the month when it should have been ended. Nothing to do with markets, fundamentals or similar. Simply the supper rich addicts to free money caused the earthquake demanding their shots of free money

They are only concerned about the stocks - and they saved it today. That is the reason why QE4 us coming : they have tried to tapper the QE, and see what is happening in the month when it should have been ended. Nothing to do with markets, fundamentals or similar. Simply the supper rich addicts to free money caused the earthquake demanding their shots of free money

also...I noticed "strange" coincidence! (:) ) Value of US Dollar goes UP!...DOW goes down and when value of US Dollar goes down...DOW goes UP!...and not a pip ( sorry Mr. Pip) from financial advisers and press covering financial news...keeps me puzzled...the connection between Dollar and DOW

also...I noticed "strange" coincidence! (:) ) Value of US Dollar goes UP!...DOW goes down and when value of US Dollar goes down...DOW goes UP!...and not a pip ( sorry Mr. Pip) from financial advisers and press covering financial news...keeps me puzzled...the connection between Dollar and DOW

Found some interesting data on dollar to dow correlation :

The correlation between any two variables (or sets of variables) summarizes a relationship, whether or not there is any real-world connection between the two variables. The correlation coefficient will always be between -1 and +1. These two extremes are considered perfect correlations. A negative coefficient means that the two variables, or sets of variables, will move in opposite directions (if one variable increases, the other will decrease); a positive coefficient will mean that the two will move in the same direction (as one increases, the other will increase).

If we compare the US Dollar Index (USDX), an index that tracks the value of the U.S. dollar against six other major currencies, and the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Nasdaq and S&P 500 over a 20-year period, the correlation coefficient calculated for the USDX versus the DJIA, Nasdaq and S&P 500, is 0.35, 0.39 and 0.38, respectively. Note that all of the coefficients are positive, which means that as the value of the U.S. dollar increases, so do the stock indexes, but only by a certain amount. Notice also that each coefficient is below 0.4, which means that only about 35% to 40% of the stock indexes' movements are associated with the movement of the U.S. dollar.

A country's currency can become more valuable in relation to the rest of the world in two main ways: when the amount of currency units available in the world market place is reduced (for example, when the Fed increases interest rates and causes a reduction in spending), or by an increase in the demand for that particular currency. The fact that an increase in the U.S. dollar affects the value of American stocks seems natural, as U.S. dollars are needed to purchase stocks.

The value of American stocks, especially those that are included in market indexes, tend to increase along with the demand for U.S. dollars - in other words, they are positively correlated. One possible explanation for this relationship is foreign investment. As more and more investors put their money in U.S. equities, they are required to first buy U.S. dollars, which can be used to purchase American stocks, causing the indexes to increase in value.

The high counter correlation that is happening per moment are probably a sign of traders fearing bubble burst


I know for a fact that capital were flying into an area where I live...the prices of real estate went through the roof over last year...I've seen that in thing I know, Japan went into an unending recession

Found some interesting data on dollar to dow correlation : The high counter correlation that is happening per moment are probably a sign of traders fearing bubble burst