"The Biggest Redistribution Of Wealth From The Middle Class And Poor To The Rich Ever


While the growth of inequality in America has been heavily discussed here, it was Stan Druckenmiller's outbursts (and warnings that "from beginning to end - once markets adjust from these subsidized prices - that the wealth effect of QE will have been negative not positive") that brought it more broadly into the average American's mind. QE, taxes, income disparity, and entitlements are four major means by which wealth is transferred from the poor and the middle class to the rich. The following simple chart explains it all...

Via Shane Obata-Marusic ( @sobata416)

A - “the rich hold assets, the poor have debt”is how Citi’s Matt King described the distribution of wealth in the US.

B - QE has resulted in a loss of purchasing power for the US dollar. Faced with this problem, consumers in the middle class are taking on more non-housing debt in order to maintain the same standard of living. In addition, the US government – which continues to run a deficit year after year – continues to accumulate debt. Due to these facts, total debt outstanding – aka credit market instruments for all sectors - is at all time highs. More debt means more interest payments and lower savings rates. These trends do not bode well for the middle class consumer.

C - On the other hand, QE has been great for the rich.QE has inflated the prices of assets such as property, bonds, stocks, and non-home real estate:

Home prices in Detroit are going up despite the fact that the city is bankrupt. The “housing occupancy” table is meant to show what appears to be a higher than average amount of speculative demand i.e. lower than average owner occupancy rates.

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It seems that it is useless to tell to people what is going on. Nothing can be changed any more and we are entering a new system, which was the first one too : a simple slavery. We have made a full circle. "Congratulations" to all


you won't hear much about in the normal media channels - most are oblivious as they read the wrong papers and are more interested in nobodys got talent so they just take it

and its only going to get worse

hide your stash while you still can

in the UK - nearly everytime any of the current regime open their mouths they always say "Hard working family's" somewhere

its not ok just to work and enjoy life

we must work hard

as you say - we are all just slaves

and with any luck for the UK government we might work ourself's into an early grave and they will reduce the pension bill - which is the real reason for the UKs huge and growing deficit as the rich no matter what is said just won't pay their fair share


Honestly, if you studied history back to the time of Antony and Cleopatra you would discover that it has always been this way. The only thing that is different today is that we have better statistics. . The biggest pressure on the middle classes worldwide is taxation and excessive taxation is the result of excessive government. Unfortunately in this world nothing is really new.


Watch Congressman Pete Stark blow up when Jan Helfeld asks him why Stark believes, "the more we owe, the wealthier we are." At the end of the interview he pulled the plug on the camera and the Congressman got in my face and said: give me that tape or I'm going to punch your lights out. I said, take it easy I only ask you a few questions. He said give me that God damn tape. I implemented my old basketball skills, fake to the left and run to the right as the director handed me the tape, like a baton in a race.

Why is it that we accept the things the way they are ? Just wondering about that. There are solutions if people want to get involved and then how and on it goes. Good Trading Everyone.

Aviel Forex:
Why is it that we accept the things the way they are ? Just wondering about that. There are solutions if people want to get involved and then how and on it goes. Good Trading Everyone.

if you protest they bash you over the head with a truncheon or worse, call you a terrorist or insane, and then lock you up until they've worn you down

i've seen it while protesting in front of my big screen tv

maybe the best solution is to move to Colorado get doped up all day and then none of it will matter anyway, until the weed runs out


Soon they will not have money enough to get doped. At this rate of "price adjustment" they will remember the "good old times when those cartel guys were selling it at affordable prices"


lot's of angry and poor little people on this thread....


taxation can not exist in any form in a healthy capitalistic society...

Honestly, if you studied history back to the time of Antony and Cleopatra you would discover that it has always been this way. The only thing that is different today is that we have better statistics. . The biggest pressure on the middle classes worldwide is taxation and excessive taxation is the result of excessive government. Unfortunately in this world nothing is really new. http://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/serials/files/cato-journal/1994/11/cj14n2-7.pdf
lot's of angry and poor little people on this thread....

probably neither

but maybe we are all alittle sad to see the world going down like this

and then powerless to be able to make a difference

we are some of the lucky ones

it just does n't seem it some times, but there is always so many worse off

do you have a solution, apart from getting rid of Obama