Usd cycles


I have found cycles technique to be the most efficient for me. At the moment cycles are telling me that the dollar should plunge into a major low in half 2014. What do you think about this prediction? Is anybody else trading with cycles?




USD and SPX Weekly Cycles Analysis

The USD is following a 3-years cycle. The last major bottom was made in may 2011. Therefore the next major bottom should come around mid-2014.

The SPX weekly cycles charts and symmetry is impressive, we are at a critical juncture. I will go short today at SPX 1680 as it is time for the SPX to plunge into a yearly cycle low.

SPX WEEKLY CYCLES UPDATE SEPT 3 - Tradermc_Cycles's library


Nice analysis Vladimir42, thank you for sharing. I would agree that 1680-1690 on the S&P is an important area.



I saw the screenshots, and you did great. But one things I need to understand. Will you help me letting me know that! Actually I am wondering from you about the next hints to be followed.

Will you please mention your opinion about this breaking!! Thanks:)


Hi fxplay1,

According to this guy if the intermediate trend line is broken, it will be very important to see which level SPX will make a yearly low (1350 seems to be the line in the sand for the bull market to be still alive). I also found this chart, I hope it helps you:

SPX CYCLES 5 YEARS TOPS AND LOWS - Tradermc_Cycles's library


I'm not trading with cycles, however, I would agree on USD going down up to the middle of 2014. Since I'm more like fundamental trader, i can tell that Syria problem could cause the sharp turn in USD price.


Nice analysis

saw this one about 6 months ago and seems to be near correct so far

(time wise anyway)

obviously not the Dollar or S+P, but as the Dow and S+P mirror each other more or less, still quite relevant

slightly different to the analysis here, as the pullback seems deeper, but interesting, never the less

especially the super boom


Yes. It is turning Up sometimes and then Down!! I can't get the figure out!! Can there something happen!! What should we need to way and how many day?

I think this is something long term things and security is also a big problem there!! Thanks


Yes, I'm amazed how this trader can catch tops and bottoms.. Your chart with the uptrend beginning from 2019 matches also with a plunge for the dollar into a 15 year low.


I really doubt that you can look forward so many years with any kind of precision. It is very possible that we are going to have some kind of top in the S&P but I doubt that the pull back will exceed the 1450 level.

We have a 64 week cycle on the SPX that is active. We are also following a 64 week pattern that has a 94% correlation with period from 03/2010 - 06/2011. If we match the correlation with the projected cycle targets you get 1460 more or less.




Nice chart:)

USD looks like to work like a clockwork - major bottom each 15 years and important low every 3 years:

DOLLAR 15YCL 3YCL - Tradermc_Cycles's library
