WW3 (World War 3) Effects, promotions, Fx, What can be?


Honestly, I don't think so that the war is going to begin. All the people and support are going against the WAR. We know that how much can destroy in a war, How many people will be no more! And what will be about Childs, Women's and the innocent people who are not involved with the happen.

Ban-Ki-Mun also is not interested to go with this! Rasia is announced to help Syria! Ban-Ki-Mun also said to help Syria's affected people, He said that Syria is already in a BAD situation, and now they have no energy to tolerate one thing more!


What do you think about it?

And yes! If the war begins someday, what will be the turn of FOREX FLOOR!


Too early to talk about WW3

That all are political games where the "opposed sides" have very similar goals - that is a show for a voters not a start of something else


May be too early, But traders have to think about this because Forex can be changed because of the announcement!! Any Ideas?

May be too early, But traders have to think about this because Forex can be changed because of the announcement!! Any Ideas?

Here is what was it all about all the time : U.S., Russia Reach Deal on Destroying Syria Chemical Arms - Bloomberg

So, do not worry : politicians are screaming whenever they want to hide what are they actually doing


That was just a show for us (the small people) to draw the attention from scandals going on. All of a sudden nobody cares any more that we are all treated as criminals by NSA. All that was needed is a fake war threat


There is a war already - a war for a survival. And we are being sacrificed whenever they find it appropriate. They do not care about the slaves - slaves are there to serve them. The brave new world is here for a long time