Do you think that forex will end someday? - page 2


Forex currency trading is founded on international industry, which could be the exchange connected with goods in addition to services between nations. Additionally it is an offshoot connected with financial relationships and orders between citizens of such nations. For foreign currency trading to arrived at an conclude, then intercontinental trade in addition to transactions need to come with an end. This isn't going to happen in many years.


as long as the big guys are making money off trading, the trade is here to stay


The Devil himself also trades Forex - so could last forever (for some)

Why of course it will : when the whole world starts using just one currency :):) Never

As funny as you sound, it is the truth. When the world use one currency, there would be no exchange. This is going to happen when the world ends... LOLZ


As for me, forex is not an object, it is a process. The process of exchanging one currency into the other. Actually it doesn't matter what we use as a currency. If there would be a country where all the goods were evaluated in beer, than buying the beer there would be the currency exchange. So as for me the only way for Forex to end is making everybody using the same currency. And I don't think that it is going to happen someday soon.


I believe eventually Forex will end. Nothings endless. Like it was mentioned, at some point all people will start using same currency. Actually, if we will ever be able to travel through the space and meet the other civilizations, we will have to switch from money to some kind of resource that is valuable all over the space.


I think, Forex will never end, as it is the most large trading market in the world.It is the source of life living for many of the traders trading in the Forex Market.It is just like a big sea...and for the fishes living in that sea,Sea never ends unless they die...


I think it will, but it is not going to happen soon. Everybody is concerned about people having the same currency, but forex will most likely be destroyed by the regulations and fees from the government.


I don't think Forex will end. There may be a currency unification in the future but still there will ever be different currencies as there are different countries and cultures. Foreign exchange is sort of economic communication between different countries. To balance global economy, we need to trade. You trade, make money and pay tax for your country. We pay tax for our countries to run our countries because each country is a company.