Do you think that forex will end someday?


I am just curious to know that do you think that Forex will end or die someday? What is your opinion?


No forex will never end and why ask such a silly question

why not post some thing sensible, like strategy related

what id like to know is when will the stupid questions end ?


Why of course it will : when the whole world starts using just one currency :):)


Do you think that forex will end someday?

No never , i dont think so , because everyday many people add here everyday and start their life with it .


Forex scope is very vast and it will not end its not possible and it is also become the source of income for many traders and lots of traders money is also invested in it.


It is a huge set included with forex, Without accidentally, It is truthfully impossible to stop the process. A lot of people has been jointed with this.

It can't not be stopped in a normal way. Thanks


Eventually it will die, let's say the 3rd world war might destroy it or the situation when people start to use some other equivalent instead of money to trade with, let's say water (like in some African countries) But we are currently very far from that moment


No I do not think like that . Forex will continue and become more popular allover the world. It is not going to be end. It may change its shape new things will added in it . It is not end till I am alive. I hope to be partner of forex all the way.


May be. But don't know the exact time period.


Forex was not intended for the masses to trade at home on there PCs and ipads

although it has become an industry that alot of Governments can tax one way or another

its main and original purpose is the exchange of currencies between 2 countries

and now the money lenders make so much money - it will never stop - that is until the end of time

(taxable or course, even if they don't pay what they really should)

yes i am stating the obvious somewhat - but these questions and answers get worse

even companies like Mitsubishi (the car makers) and many many other similar companies also trade the FX market - as its hugely profitable

so it can never stop, as there is too much money involved


No i don't think many people involve in this daily and for some forex has became a means for their livelyhood so as per my opinion there is no chance for ending of forex.