NSA Agents Used Company Resources To Spy On Former Spouses - page 2


Some info :

Echelon is an officially unacknowledged U.S.-led global spy network that operates an automated system for the interception and relay of electronic communications. Monitored transmissions are said to include up to 3 billion communications daily, including all the telephone calls, e-mail messages, faxes, satellite transmissions, and Internet downloads of both public and private organizations and citizens worldwide. Led by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), Echelon is operated collaboratively by the intelligence agencies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. The organization's name originated as the code name for the system component responsible for intercepting satellite communications.

Echelon collects information through an extensive system of radio antennae and satellites that monitor satellite communications and sniffer devices that collect Internet communications from data packets. Some sources claim that the organization employs underwater devices to tap into transcontinental fiber optic phone cables. According to the ACLU, Echelon gathers huge volumes of data indiscriminately, and then filters out useful information through artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The system is also said to involve voice recognition, language translation, and keyword searching to select messages to study in their entirety.


"Echelon gathers huge volumes of data indiscriminately, and then filters out useful information through artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The system is also said to involve voice recognition, language translation, and keyword searching to select messages to study in their entirety." so...in another words..."Echelon" using some kind of Adaptive Super Smoother for Data it gets...


Why everybody is so much surprised of NSA to be spying on them. How about Google doing same thing to you all the time?

Why everybody is so much surprised of NSA to be spying on them. How about Google doing same thing to you all the time?

Probably because of the purpose

Google does it for economic reasons. NSA does it for political reasons. And judging from their "political reasons" we are all potential terrorists, assassins, murderers, spies, thieves ... to make it short they "think" that we are the same as they are