Never pay for advice or education - page 2


Isn't the only benefit of education: network?


There is enough material is available on the internet in which we can learn well and by practicing in demo account we can develop our trading skills without paying any amount.

Price Action Trading:
My say on this:

Remember your college days. You got all the books and basically all that was taught in the lectures was available in the library.

Did you attend the lecs...yes....did you pay college tuition. Yes. Simply because information is available, doesn't mean that you shouldn't pay for premium courses. However there are reasonable limits. Its illogical to pay $3000 for a two week course. Check out a course's content and make sure you know exactly what you are enrolling into before paying.

I have attended two paid courses. One at OTA and the other at 2ndSkies. Both were worth the time and money.

Two major advantages: you get to interact with pro traders, who you will never meet on the public forums. Secondly you get mentors that help you stay afloat when things aren't working out.

Bottom line: either pay for a course and receive invaluable mentorship and a community or; learn from your losses. My bet. You will spend more loosing.


Very good post PAT. Really agree with you on this one

There is enough material is available on the internet in which we can learn well and by practicing in demo account we can develop our trading skills without paying any amount.

There are a ton of BS and ads as well.

I really would pay membership fee to communicate with Pro Traders and not to see any goddamn ADS! Just modern web site like they do in silicon valleyand clean, minimalist design, with closed community and respectable traders.. Oh dreams, oh dreams..


I agree that a lot of information about Forex is available on the internet. You can learn almost everything. However there are times when someone faces a mental/psychological roadblock, or he is so much into his own trading that he can't see the forest for the trees. In such case a mentor or pro trader can help to overcome this roadblock. It is true that sooner or later the trader himself can overcome it by himself, but by then he will loose either time or money, maybe both. So there can be cases when it helps to pay for education. Of course the source of the education should be chosen carefully because there are lot of scams.

I agree that a lot of information about Forex is available on the internet. You can learn almost everything. However there are times when someone faces a mental/psychological roadblock, or he is so much into his own trading that he can't see the forest for the trees. In such case a mentor or pro trader can help to overcome this roadblock. It is true that sooner or later the trader himself can overcome it by himself, but by then he will loose either time or money, maybe both. So there can be cases when it helps to pay for education. Of course the source of the education should be chosen carefully because there are lot of scams.

That's exactly what I am saying. How do you fight burn out/flat out?

How do you find that special one, behind the tons of ads and scams?


Yes it is right you can get free education about Forex and learn freely on internet because there are much good material available on internet but some time you can pay for some good material or you can hire a tutor for learning Forex.

Yes it is right you can get free education about Forex and learn freely on internet because there are much good material available on internet but some time you can pay for some good material or you can hire a tutor for learning Forex.

Any advice where to find such tutor?


In school you have to pay for education and you get a certificate.But for advice and basic knowledge internet and search engines are the big you don't need to pay them.

Oscar Hunter:
In school you have to pay for education and you get a certificate.But for advice and basic knowledge internet and search engines are the big you don't need to pay them.

One correction: in school it is your parents who usually pay for education. Sometimes in college.

On the side note - it is the best job in your life, you are paid to go study and get trashed.