Never pay for advice or education


There are countless threads where new traders ask similar questions about a forex course which was marketed to them or one-one coaching by a forex ‘guru’. I always give the same response: Never pay for anything when it comes to forex; it is not worth the money.

For starters, all the information that you may learn is the same information you can find online for free. It is nothing more than basics, and sometimes the wrong things anyway. Additionally, you will never have access to a guru and every self-proclaimed guru is nothing more than a retail trader who managed to make a few dollars at best and often does not even make any money trading at all.

Think about it, if your favorite guru is such a good trader why would he take the time to teach you for some small amount of cash? Why would he go out of his way and market his course or service rather than spend the time trading and then enjoying the benefits of his successful trading?

Your forex guru is nothing more than a marketer who give you basic knowledge which you can find for free and if you honestly need a guru to make it through that stage than I love to tell you that you should not bother as you are not cut out to make it as a trader.


You pay for school, don't you?


You always end up paying one way or the other. However, some pay more than others because they let themselves get fooled by salesmen telling them that for $3000 they'll know all the secrets and make millions. You shouldn't pay for anything indeed, and I'm well placed to know it. I don't want to link anything because I'm unsure of the rules, but I have take a free course and doing very well without paying any money for the education. It's a highly praised free course and I've recommended to many people already, everyone is very happy with it and no one is paying. So yea, don't get fooled.


I cannot agree with you. There are some good mentors as well. Best example is me.

I tried so hard to learn things alone. But couldn't success with trading and I failed. Then I found a very good mentor and now I do forex successfully. My mentor always there to help me in trading.


Yes it is true you can get free education and training from internet. You need not pay a penny to anyone to learn basics. I get all knowledge from internet. This business is just a matter of practice and experience.No one can teach you until you not do hard work .


How to know if the "teacher" is for real or not. With schools it is easy : they built their reputation for decades. "Forex teachers" are growing like mushrooms and the majority of them have no idea what are they talking about


if you can study for your own then why not! Just always remember to ask advice from the experts.


Best to first by books and then, if what in the book is written is OK, only then pay for education to the person who wrote the book. Without that it is all "internet marketing" which is fake in 90% of cases


Enough info (and pdfs) in the net to be able to learn by yourselves


Yes i agree with you that we should not pay for learning as i believe that we can learn by our own experience and loss every time we learn while doing investing.


Forex Metatrader


My say on this:

Remember your college days. You got all the books and basically all that was taught in the lectures was available in the library.

Did you attend the lecs...yes....did you pay college tuition. Yes. Simply because information is available, doesn't mean that you shouldn't pay for premium courses. However there are reasonable limits. Its illogical to pay $3000 for a two week course. Check out a course's content and make sure you know exactly what you are enrolling into before paying.

I have attended two paid courses. One at OTA and the other at 2ndSkies. Both were worth the time and money.

Two major advantages: you get to interact with pro traders, who you will never meet on the public forums. Secondly you get mentors that help you stay afloat when things aren't working out.

Bottom line: either pay for a course and receive invaluable mentorship and a community or; learn from your losses. My bet. You will spend more loosing.