Strategy of the day- one of the best strategies of Thirdbrainfx - page 11


ThirdBrainFx Portfolio Paris with good performance 3-OO EUR/AUD

At the end of November we described our lates results from this practice account:

During the last tree weeks the best Forex strategies we use managed to gain 2793.0 pips. This is equal to $2482.70 profit according to our case. We trade with lot size 10 for each strategy, this is why every pip we gain is equal to $1.00. We have one hundred and eight positions closed:

Last week we had again great performance on the Forex market thanks to best automated strategies we use. For seven days we had thirty four positions closed, from which we managed to gain 1665.7 pips. This is equal to $1479.87 profit. Strategy Sphynx is leading again with $1263.33 gain. EA FFX900 had $273.22 profit in past week.

This week we continue with our great performance on the Forex market. For the moment we have eighteen trades closed and 323.7 pips gain. This is equal to $286.33.....

Read the whole post here:

How to gain $2482 in three weeks time 3-OO EUR/AUD - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Portfolio Havana – Thor GBP/USD 2nd Result

Thirteen days ago we described the first results from our portfolio Havana:

Today we have a lot more positions closed and results to describe. Since our last blog post the best Forex strategies we use in our portfolio managed to close ninety eight positions. The total amount of pips gained 5330.1. This is equal to $2747.01 profit according to the settings we use for trading on Forex.

The best automated strategy for the period is MorningBull with $1257.04 gain. The second most profitable Expert Adviser is Premium-Signal with 859.65 US Dollars. The third automated strategy is Jupiter with $689.44 profit. The last ThirdBrain Expert Adviser , which did not perform very well in the last two weeks is Thor with - $59.12. Read the whole post here: How to gain money using long and short/mid term strategies at the same time – Thor GBP/USD 2nd Result - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


How to gain $300 every day - FuLuShou CHF/JPY 3 Result

The last week of January we described the results from our profitable portfolio New Yourk. one week later we have new amazing results to describe.

Since our last post on 28 January until today we have 43 new positions closed from which we gained 2820 pips, which is equal to 2852 USD. Amazing result in such a short period of time 400 USD gained every day, this is such kind of result, which not so many strategies can produce.

We still have three days to go before the Forex market closes on Friday 5pm EST. At the moment the Live Chart is showing that the best Forex strategies we use have 24 running positions, for 1674 pips equal to 1556 USD in our case. The exchange market could be quite volatile sometimes, so it is too early to talk about profit. We will keep an eye on the strategies performance and describe the results in one of our coming blog posts.

Read the whole post here:

How to gain $300 every day - FuLuShou CHF/JPY 3 Result - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


How to gain 1699 USD in 3 days, Athena USD/DKK

At the beginning of January we described you one very profitable portfolio Athens. The results were very impressing we had thousands of pips gained in 90 days.

We had a period of drown down for one of our best automated startegy- Premium signal and we haven't got good enough results to describe, but now the strategy start recovering so powerful that in 3 days we have almost 1700 usd profit.

Today we have more information to describe. Since last Friday 31st January 2014 until today, for the period of 3 Forex working days we have 14 closed positions, from which we managed to gained 1923 pips which is equal in our case to 1699 USD.

If we look at the live chart we will see that the startegy continue with this brilliant performance, we have 19 running positions at the moment, all with strategy Premium signal from which we are gaining 2523 pips, which is equal to 2274 usd in our case.

Read the whole post here:

How to gain 1699 USD in 3 days, Athena USD/DKK - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


How to gain $300 every day - FuLuShou CHF/JPY 3 Result

The last week of January we described the results from our profitable portfolio New Yourk.

Today one week later we have new amazing results to describe. Since our last post on 28 January until today we have 43 new positions closed from which we gained 2820 pips, which is equal to 2852 USD. Amazing result in such a short period of time 400 USD gained every day, this is such kind of result, which not so many strategies can produce.

The automated strategy with best performance this week is FuLuShou EUR/JPY with $3365 profit.Automated strategy Premium-Signal did not show very good results. The total amount of pips gained for the last 7 days is - 513 pips. Although the strategy now has good results, it closed some negative positions at the end of the last week, this is the reason that in total it end in negative. During the last 2 days it closed some positive positions, also the live chart is showing positive running positions, for sure the negative results are in the past.....

Read the whole post here:

How to gain $300 every day - FuLuShou CHF/JPY 3 Result - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


How to gain 2000 to 3500 USD/pips in one month - Jupiter CAD/JPY - 2nd Result

Ten days ago we described you one very profitable portfolio, which used to gaine good amount of pips in one month.

Today we decided to show you some results, because during this period of ten days our portfolio continue with it's good results and shows good amount of pips gained. We have 82 trades closed on Forex, from which we managed to gain 847 pips. This is equal to $1037 profit according to our setting. Again incredible performance of the Expert Advisers ThirdBrain provides in a short period of time.

The most profitable automated strategy for the period is Athena with currency couple EUR/JPY and 866.89 US Dollars. On second place is another from the best automated strategies FuLuShou with $342.92 gain and the last place is for strategy MorningBull USD/TRY, which doesn't show good results for the period mentioned( -178 usd).....

Read the whole post here:

How to gain 2000 to 3500 USD/pips in one month - Jupiter CAD/JPY - 2nd Result - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


How to gain 1600 USD in 10 days Premium signal EUR/AUD

Ten days ago we have created new Portfolio called Cancun with 10 000 USD balance and leverage of 12. Today we have the first results to describe in our daily post. The automated strategies

which we used in our portfolio are:

1. Premium signal EUR/AUD 10K lot size

2. Morningbull EUR/AUD 10K lot size

3. Premium signal GBP/AUD 10K lot size

The automated strategies we use managed to close 38 positions. The total amount of pips gained is 1787 . This is equal to $1591 profit according to our settings

The best Forex strategy for the period is Premium signal with the currency couple GBP/AUD with $1417 profit, followed by Premium signal EUR/AUD with $1000 gain. Morningbull EUR/AUD did not perform very well and during the period mentioned it lost 826 USD.....

Read the whole post here:

How to gain 1600 USD in 10 days Premium signal EUR/AUD - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


How to gain $1000 in eight days – FuLuShou USD/TRY

The beginning of February we created a new practice account called Chicago. Our initial balance was $10000 and Exposure 1:10. We added to our portfolio some of the best Forex strategies for the last thirty days.

We have Expert Adviser FuLuShou with currency couple USD/TRY and lot size 10.

The second one we use is again FuLuShou with GBP/CAD and lot size 10.

Automated strategy Alfar with currency couple USD/TRY is trading on Forex with lot size 10.

Since the creation of our portfolio the best automated strategies we use closed twenty eight positions. We managed to gain 3812.1 pips. This is equal to $1010.80 profit according to our settings. Great performance of our Expert Advisers that confirm again the fact that ThirdBrain SA provides some of the best Forex strategies.......

Read the whole post here:

How to gain $1000 in eight days – FuLuShou USD/TRY - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


How to gain $1047.13 in two days – Thor GBP/JPY

We will present you today our newest portfolio created last Friday 14[SUP]th[/SUP] February. The initial balance of our practice account was $5000 and Exposure 1:30. Again we decided to add some of the best Forex strategies to our portfolio.

The first automated strategy we added was Thor with currency couple GBP/JPY and lot size 10.

The second Expert Adviser we selected was Premium-Signal GBP/AUD and lot size 10.

The third EA we added to our portfolio is one of the best automated strategies MorningBull USD/TRY, which is trading on Forex with lot size 10.

Even though we have a very short history with this portfolio our automated strategies managed to close seven trades already. The total amount of pips gained is 809.4. This is equal to $1047.13 profit according to our settings. Since Friday afternoon we managed to increase our start balance with 20%. Very good and profitable performance in such a short period of time.....

Read the whole post here:

How to gain $1047.13 in two days – Thor GBP/JPY - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


How to gain $2600 in eleven days Thor GBP/JPY, FuLuShou GBP/JPY ... 2nd Result

We will talk today about one of our profitable portfolio. This is the second time in which we are going to describe the results from our practice account. Our initial balance was $10,000.00 and Exposure 1:20. The Expert Adviser's we selected for our portfolio were:

FuLuShou with currency couple GBP/JPY and lot size 10.

Automated strategy Thor with GBP/JPY is trading on Forex with lot size 10.

One of the best Forex strategies Premium-Signal with GBP/AUD and lot size 10.

The last time we talked about this portfolio we managed to gain $2600 in eleven days. Since the Forex market was opened at 5pm EST (Sunday), the best automated strategies we use gained 2134.1 pips. This is equal to $2101.03 profit according to our settings....

Read the whole post here:

How to gain $2600 in eleven days Thor GBP/JPY, FuLuShou GBP/JPY ... 2nd Result - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business