Strategy of the day- one of the best strategies of Thirdbrainfx - page 10


LABS: Practice Demo account with new strategy HedgeSpeedBrain–Results 6

The practice Demo account we will talk about today is with two of the strategies that were released this year HedgeSpeedBrain and HedgeThirdBrainFx. This is the sixth time we bring your attention to these automated strategies.

This week we have five positions closed. It is only Tuesday and we alredy have $72.16 gained. Last week the best Forex strategies we use had great performance and we managed to gain 450.8 pips. This is equal to $782.07 profit – result from our trading on the Forex market from our thirty six positions closed.We have nineteen automated strategies in our portfolio so you shouldn't be surprised that we have so many closed positions in one week.

Lets have a look at the Live Chart and see what is going on on the Forex market right now. Thanks to the best automated strategies we use, we are gaining 1204.1 pips at the moment. If the strategies close all the twenty nine positions at this particular moment, our profit would be $1154.93....

Read the whole post here:

Do you want to gain $800 in one week – HedgeSpeedBrain Result 6 - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Portfolio with the best strategies from May,June,July 2013- MasterBrainFx USD/CHF etc

Last Monday we described one of our profitable portfolios with the best strategies from May, June and July 2013. Today nine days later we have profit of $1002.43 , which can not be missed just like this.

Since our last blog post the best Forex strategies we use managed to close nine positions. We gained 1114.8 pips, which is equal to $1002.43 profit.

Lets have a look at the Live Chart and see what the best Forex strategies are doing at the moment. We have six running positions from which we are gaining hypothetical 132 pips or $149.09 profit. Following the strategy direction I can bet that this Expert Adviser will reach another $1000 or more profit by the end of the month.....

Read the whole post here:

Do you want to gain $1000 in nine days – MasterBrainFx USD/CHF - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Great success new portfolio Milan – Premium-Signal GBP/AUD, EUR/AUD etc...

This is the first time we talk about this practice account and present the results in our blog post. Our portfolio was created 21st October and since then we managed to gain 16418.9 pips. We selected lot size 1 for each strategy and this is the main reason to gain only $1567.38. It is still a good profit considering the fact that our initial balance was $5000. This means that we managed to increase our balance with 31% by trading with lot size 1. If you trade with lot size 5 or 10 for example your profit could be even $16,000.00.

We have 264 positions closed during this period of time. The Expert Advisor we use in our portfolio is Premium-Signal with six different currency couples: GBP/AUD, EUR/AUD, CAD/JPY, AUD/JPY, EUR/USD and EUR/CAD. This automated strategy can open Maximum sixteen positions at once, so it shouldn't be a surprise for anybody that we have so many closed positions.

The Live Chart is promising us another 5000-6000 pips gain. We have forty four running positions from which we are gaining 5927.9 pips. We could end up with another $661.83 according to our settings.....

Read the whole post here:–-premium-signal-gbpaud-euraud-etc/


Portfolio Kiev new breakthrough for the ThirdBrain strategies Premium-Signal GBP/AUD

We will present you today one of our latest portfolios with great performance, created 28th November – two weeks ago. Our initial balance was $10000 and the exposure was around 1:14. We selected three strategies for our practice account:

Premium-Signal with currency couple GBP/AUD and lot size 10.

Automated strategy Athena with USD/DKK trading with 10K.

Strategy Thor with currency couple USD/NOK and lot size 10.

The Total amount of pips gained for the last fourteen days is 1498.5 pips, which is equal to $2651.64 according to our settings. This week the performance of our portfolio is even better. In the last five days the best automated strategies we use closed twenty four positions from which we gained 2453.6 pips....

Read the whole post here:

How to gain $2651 in two weeks time Premium-Signal GBP/AUD, Athena ... - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Portfolio Rio De Janeiro Premium-Signal GBP/AUD, FuLuShou GBP/JPY etc...

Last week we presented one of our newest portfolios Kiev, created 28th November. The same day we created another portfolio, which seems to be exactly as profitable as the first one – Portfolio Rio De Janeiro. The automated strategies we use have the same great performance and results.

Our initial balance was $10000 and the strategies we selected for our portfolio were:

Premium-Signal with GBP/AUD and lot size 10.

FuLuShou with currency couple GBP/JPY and lot size 10 again.

Thor with GBP/JPY trading with 10K.

Last week we had 3053.3 pips gained, which is equal to $2702.68 according to our settings. As you know we trade with lot size 10, this is why our profit in Dollars is so big. After all positions closed with positive and negative direction, our balance at present is $12215.86. We have increase of 22% in our balance in less than three weeks. Great performance of ThirdBrain EA's as usual.....

Read the whole post here:

How to increase your balance with over 20% in seventeen days - gain $2500 Premium-Signal GBP/AUD - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Portfolio Lisbon - great performance MorningBull EUR/AUD

In our afternoon blog post we will present you another profitable portfolio created at the end of November. It looks as if not just one particular portfolio is gaining pips and the equivalent in money at the moment, they all gaining a lot of money at the moment.

Portfolio Lisbon managed to gain 2964.8 pips since the creation (29th November). Our profit in Dollars is $1892.27. The strategies we use for trading on Forex definitely working for us.

During the last week we have twenty three total trades on the Forex market, from which we gained 2010.9 pips. This is equal to $1744.79 according to our settings. Again the best Forex strategies that ThirdBrain provides have great performance.

This week we have only one long position closed for the moment with MorningBull EUR/AUD, from which we gain $169.20. However, it is the beginning of the week and looking at the Live Chart we will have a lot more positions closed by the end of it.....

Read the whole post here:

Do you want to gain $2000 every two weeks MorningBull EUR/AUD - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Kopfrl stucli - has du dini ovo hut shon gha? Ein wenig complicated like Swiss watch but could be real.




Yes, these are real results from one of our practice account.



New Practice account Madrid – ThirdBrainFx GBP/NZD Result 8

Fourteen days ago we described our latest results from this profitable portfolio:

During the period mentioned above the best Forex strategies we use closed fifty one positions. We managed to gain 4492.9 pips, which is equal to $4345.73 according to our settings. We trade on Forex with lot size 10 for each automated strategy we have in our portfolio.

The strategy with best performance in the last fourteen days is Thor with $2410.98 profit. On second place with best performance on the Forex market is ThirdBrainFx with $1689.99 gain. The third one is Athena with $882.52 profit. Strategy CorelianCharts didn't perform very well, however the Total profit is very good.

Last week the best automated strategies we use closed twenty two positions. We gained 439.6 pips, which is equal to $858.32. Again EA Thor was the most profitable, followed by Athena and ThirdBrainFx. Great performance that continues this week.....

Read the whole post here:

How to gain $4345 in fourteen days - ThirdBrainFx GBP/NZD - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Portfolio Stockholm - EveningBear EUR/AUD

The beginning of December we created new Practice account with initial balance $10000. We have three automated strategies in our portfolio trading on Forex with lot size 10 each.

Expert Advisor Sphynx with currency couple GBP/AUD.

Strategy Premium-Signal with GBP/AUD.

EveningBear with currency couple EUR/AUD.

After the three weeks great performance of the best Forex strategies we use, our initial balance is increased with 16%. We have $11636 in our practice account at the moment.

The best automated strategy for this period is Sphynx with $991.09 profit. The second most profitable EA is EveningBear with $772.02 gain. The last one Premium-Signal didn't have very good overall performance. The main thing is that the total performance and results are good – 16% increase in the start balance.....

Read the whole post here:

Do you want to gain $1636 in sixteen days - EveningBear EUR/AUD - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business