FX traders, do you buy the equity or bond story?


I know the focus here is on forex trading, but it is always good to keep up with what other assets are doing. The equity story tells a one of strength while the bond story tells us one of weakness in the economy.

I am selling the equity story and I am buying the bond story as I think we are due for another crash in equity markets as we are building the same mess we did prior to the 2008 crash.

As a forex trader, which story do you go long (buy) and which story do you go short (sell)?


I think the equity markets have it wrong and we are in for a nice ride lower.


Warren Buffett's Opinion On Bonds Couldn't Be More Clear

It doesn't get any clearer than this.

Obviously Buffett, like many others, expects interest rates to rise significantly over the long-term. This means any fixed income investment is going to get smoked, as the amount you get paid for holding them is worth less and less and as inflation erodes the value of the principal.