Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 236


"You can accept this Agreement" !

When did I buy it and when did they sell it to me so that we became parties of an "Agreement"? What "Agreement"? That I will sell my house and give them the money when they ask me to do so (read the "Additional Terms")? Come on : this is the biggest nonsense that they gave invented so far

They should take care of their clients. Their clients will take care of their clients. Metatrader pretending to be the boss is hilarious

"You can accept this Agreement" !

When did I buy it and when did they sell it to me so that we became parties of an "Agreement"? What "Agreement"? That I will sell my house and give them the money when they ask me to do so (read the "Additional Terms")? Come on : this is the biggest nonsense that they gave invented so far

They should take care of their clients. Their clients will take care of their clients. Metatrader pretending to be the boss is hilarious

Oh you just making it being big issue, its normal when installing any software and you need to accept the agreement. If you don't want to install those software, just cancel and its going normal.

Oh you just making it being big issue, its normal when installing any software and you need to accept the agreement. If you don't want to install those software, just cancel and its going normal.

For start : your broker gave you the trading platform not metatrader. Then how does metatrader fit in an "Agreement" that you never saw? I did not chose to trade with metatrader. I chose to trade with my broker. Check the differences on any site providing legal advices


Build 831 - not to much changes - the old problems remained (still can not change parameters of indicators in back test ...) Waiting to see what new things are made wrong

Build 831 - not to much changes - the old problems remained (still can not change parameters of indicators in back test ...) Waiting to see what new things are made wrong

no change log again. again we have to guess what was changed

no change log again. again we have to guess what was changed

No way to use templates in back testing - not even if you name the template the same name as the tested EA. Questions about it : ignored

No way to use templates in back testing - not even if you name the template the same name as the tested EA. Questions about it : ignored

I assume you cannot change the template after the tester started, as I have been having no problem setting the template (saved with name "tester.tpl"). Actually I have been doing like this all the time for the tester, so I have not noticed any change.

I assume you cannot change the template after the tester started, as I have been having no problem setting the template (saved with name "tester.tpl"). Actually I have been doing like this all the time for the tester, so I have not noticed any change.


It does not work for me

Oh well ... reinstaling


It does not work for me

Oh well ... reinstaling

It is working for me too Tested it including with build 831)

Which exact build is causing you problems?

It is working for me too Tested it including with build 831) Which exact build is causing you problems?

Funny : I usually do no install new version (just a copy t a new location and that is it). Today made a new installation and that error with templates is gone (but other instances of mt that I have still do it). Now foing to see what is left as errors