Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 228


You mean because of :

There are numerous Delhi escorts service provider in the city to offer you attractive, demanding ladies.


This is becoming significant :

Probably that is the reason why they can not find time to correct the errors in mt

That is not funny any more

I went there and the mt5 site too has some similar stuff there. When the company that makes a trading platform starts to "not notice" things like that, that is not a good sign to any user of that trading platform

That is not funny any more I went there and the mt5 site too has some similar stuff there. When the company that makes a trading platform starts to "not notice" things like that, that is not a good sign to any user of that trading platform

They made newdigital change his net name

They made newdigital change his net name

...what it is now? (oldmanual)?...Is it really the end of the world as we know it?

...what it is now? (oldmanual)?...Is it really the end of the world as we know it?

techmac : I don't think he was forced to do it

Pava : he uses his real name

techmac : I don't think he was forced to do it Pava : he uses his real name

Didn't know that is his real name


If somebody want enjoy metaquotes events...

1) If you have selected line ( you can drag it ), press right button near line and then press outside context panel for remove it near line object. Opppss, line move to area mouse click ( like you drag it ). Awesome feature.

2) Press "buy" text. Line object is selected too because magnet area is overlapped. Line click event is not invoked. Then if you drag line, only line object is moved because drag routine dont know that object is selected. Really "buy" text was selected and his event registered.

3) in b765 is fine if you scroll chart ( objects are shifted ). But in beta builds you see glitches when you scroll.

4) Have more problems but are...too!!!!

virtualorder.ex4  181 kb

Hmm, actually everybody who registered as a potential money withdrawer uses now his real name in the forum. What a luck I had to de-register in time.

Edit: Even though I de-registered as a seller, they print out what I filled in as a name and a surename, in place of the former nickname. I did not notice at first glance, as it changed from (nickname) to Ovo Cz (name & surname)


That site is flooded with escorts, movers, .... for days and days. That is no forex site any more


how to use my old ind in new buildup mt4