Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 199

No idea since when the ArraySort() can sort these types of array (I always use my own sorting routines for multidimensional arrays), noticed it now that ArraySort() can do the 2 dimensional array. If it is not a novelty, my bad for posting about it Sort key can not be specified in it (one of the reasons why I am not going to stop using my own sorting routines) - sorting is always done using the first element - so no choice of sorting key nor it can do the combination of multiple fields sort

You are smart to use your own routines. I have gone through a lot of trouble in the past few years to get multi-field sorting done. I am not sure if it was actually described as being multi Rank capability when I first started using it or if I just decided to try it and find out.

And don't feel bad as the post alerts others that it can be done which is very positive.


If I was metatrader I would close the mql site - it is only showing the opposite of what they claim. 10 posts today in the English part of their forum. Where are those millions of users? Or the users know better and are not going to that site any more at all since they can not get anything there? Anyway, the site as is is an anti PR


Get this update:

In MetaTrader 4 will add new graphics

This will allow you to create complex of custom controls in the MetaTrader 5.

Not all will move. It will not be OpenCL and MQL5 Cloud Network.

We want to spend a long public beta testing to catch a maximum of bugs.

Another great feature is that you can be one-to-use the same EX4/EX5 libraries in different languages, if these libraries will not use the specific features of their languages. Since they have full compatibility bytecode (except for special functions), then we can do math, calculation, and so the library is fully compatible with MQL4/MQL5.

Get this update:

We want to spend a long public beta testing to catch a maximum of bugs.

Change that to:

We want to spend a "long live testing" to catch a minimum of bugs


My live account has been updated to 745 ( I let it update to see what the broker was up to ) , the biggest issue is the way the platform lags when there is any sort of price action, the only new build that worked without any serious lag was build 625 and it had issues as well but at least you could change time frames and move the cross-hairs without it locking up.

Update: I downloaded a fresh MT4 from the broker and loaded in only indicators and EAs that have been coded and compiled on build 745 and left out any old indicators from build 509, now it works without any lag at all so either the old indicators ( build 509 ) are somehow are affecting the new build or more likely is that the continual updates from 509 until now have somehow corrupted the original MT4 that was originally build 509. Anyway so far it appears to be working as it should, I guess time will tell?

Change that to: We want to spend a "long live testing" to catch a minimum of bugs

Hello wintersky111,

I tried to change but unfortunately i don`t get edit option. Don`t understand why i don`t get that option.
Hello wintersky111, I tried to change but unfortunately i don`t get edit option. Don`t understand why i don`t get that option.

You can edit only in the first 3 hours after posting

Hello wintersky111, I tried to change but unfortunately i don`t get edit option. Don`t understand why i don`t get that option.

I believe that wintersky111 wanted to tell that we are going to be in a beta test phase for a long, long time with this new, "improved" metatrader 4

I believe that wintersky111 wanted to tell that we are going to be in a beta test phase for a long, long time with this new, "improved" metatrader 4

i suspect there are quite a few that would like to give some at MQs a good beating for quite a long long time

how much more of this do they think they can get away with before reality comes knocking?

and in all the changes they still have n't fixed that damn pop up box everytime the cursor goes nr anything on the chart

this was their reply to someone else who finds it annoying How to turn off information pop-up box? - MQL4 forum

oh well at least its Friday

i suspect there are quite a few that would like to give some at MQs a good beating for quite a long long time

how much more of this do they think they can get away with before reality comes knocking?

and in all the changes they still have n't fixed that damn pop up box everytime the cursor goes nr anything on the chart

this was their reply to someone else who finds it annoying How to turn off information pop-up box? - MQL4 forum

oh well at least its Friday

That guy is famous for useless answers like that. He and the moderator there are perfectly compatible