Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 118

I never did understand the need for offline charts in Metatrader...can a trading program has regular charts for "renko", "range bars" etc.?


No, it can not.

But don't worry : see this post . It is solved, only this time I am not going to post how it can be done. It is a fully working indicator (no restrictions) though


they gonna decompile that file!...


No, it can not.

But don't worry : see this post . It is solved, only this time I am not going to post how it can be done. It is a fully working indicator (no restrictions) though
they gonna decompile that file!...

Then I will find another solution


Yesterday my FXDD platform was upgraded to Build 600.

With Build 509 my MT4 folder was 126MB, but now the folder is 695MB.

There is a new sub-folder called "tester" that is 555MB.

Can this folder be deleted?

build_600_1.gif  30 kb

My pc is still runing Vista.

Yesterday my MT4 was upgraded to Build 600.

I have other copies of MT4 Build 509 on my pc that I would like to keep at 509.

Therefore I would like to prevent the automatic update on these copies.

I've set my Explorer to "show Hidden Files".

But I cannot locate any folders named Metaquotes or Webinstall or Update.

What is the name of the folder [on Vista] that I need to delete to prevent the updates?

Thank you.


If you have any doubts what MetaQuotes will do to build 509 just try to open an earlier unsupported MT4 build, at present with 509 you get the option to update YES or NO but on an unsupported build if you click NO to the update it simply reopens the update window and asks to update again.To put it in plain language once 509 is not supported then you will have no option other than to update to the build 600+ platfrom if you still want to continue using MT4.


Even now (build 610) the enumerated items in a drop down box are displayed in a reverse order (it is so for at least 2 months). And that is a simple input parameter. No comment needed for the rest of things that are more complicated than an input parameter

test_enum.gif  12 kb

With time we are discovering more and more bugs. This is becoming the least reliable version of metatrader I have seen so far - wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy to use it for live trading


With the current "support" at mq site I do not expect that we have a bug free and usable version of metatrader is some foreseeable time. In the next couple of moths doing a live trading with this thing is a "risky business" (and I do not mean the risk that a normal trading is usually connected to)

With the current "support" at mq site I do not expect that we have a bug free and usable version of metatrader is some foreseeable time. In the next couple of moths doing a live trading with this thing is a "risky business" (and I do not mean the risk that a normal trading is usually connected to)

It is useless to ask there. There some that know, but they do not want to answer or they answer in a way that suggests that you should do a private business with them. And there some that are answering all and have no idea of anything (moderators collecting points there I guess - getting only useless posts from them that have nothing in common with the questions asked)