Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 101

Save the indicator in the MQL4/Indicator folder.

Great! Thank you very much, MichaelB for that. The indicator works fine now.

Thanks again, wonderful Mladen for your huge support and sacrifices.


WR1 Right now existing ex4 files are working in some compatibility mode when metatrader detects that they are compiled with build 509 or earlier. It is logical to assume (they did not give more details) that the "compatibility mode" will be canceled too once when build 509 support gets canceled

Thanks for the update

but not so great news afterall... do they not realise we all have better things to do with our time

looks like it might be back to the drawing board and time for the alternatives again by the summer

some might think they are determined to ruin their own company


After all what they have done, I think that the closest reason why did they do it is that they are scared. Their forum was almost dead a year ago (metatrader 5 was successfully killing it) and people were not interested at all to what was posted there. Now they made some fuss and they drew attention to them again. But if they make one more serious mistake (as with metatrader 5) they are gone. And all is pointing into a direction that with this new metatrader 4 they are going to make a same mistake as with metatrader 5


Hi mladen,

You see to be an authority on this matter,

I wonder if I could trouble you for a few minutes of your time.

I have quite a few advanced tools that I use to trade everyday and they all seem to work in build 600.

To prepare though I am going to have everything re-written before summer but I am unsure about a few things.

Will MT5 code work in this new MT4?

and if so would it best to have everything re-written in pure MQ5 so that it works on both?

or is this new MT4.5 programming language different from MQ5?

if so, do you think this new MT4.5 is only here to stay until they just move everyone to MT5 in the future and we have to re-write again?

Some of this will be speculation I am sure but it would at least be convenient if MQ5 code worked in MT5 and MT4.5

Sorry if those are stupid questions but I am just a trader and not a programmer,

I am just trying to get an idea what to ask my programmer for when I talk to him this weekend.

Thanks in advance,


Hi mladen,

You see to be an authority on this matter,

I wonder if I could trouble you for a few minutes of your time.

I have quite a few advanced tools that I use to trade everyday and they all seem to work in build 600.

To prepare though I am going to have everything re-written before summer but I am unsure about a few things.

Will MT5 code work in this new MT4?

and if so would it best to have everything re-written in pure MQ5 so that it works on both?

or is this new MT4.5 programming language different from MQ5?

if so, do you think this new MT4.5 is only here to stay until they just move everyone to MT5 in the future and we have to re-write again?

Some of this will be speculation I am sure but it would at least be convenient if MQ5 code worked in MT5 and MT4.5

Sorry if those are stupid questions but I am just a trader and not a programmer,

I am just trying to get an idea what to ask my programmer for when I talk to him this weekend.

Thanks in advance,



If you want my sincerest opinion then do not use metatrader 5

If you need an object orientated coding parts use C++ written DLLs. The reason is simple : at the beginning of the metatrader 5 frenzy I did a simple test : made a very simple class to retrieve price and made a simple function doing that same job (both using pure MQL5) and compared the speed of execution : class was 7-8 times slower. Now, in a time critical operations (and by all means, trading is a time critical operation) that lag is simply not tolerable and that execution speed comparison haven't changed since. They have been talking about execution speed of orders using metatrader 5. Of course that it is faster when you have 50 time more users trading metatrader 4 compared to metatrader 5. I would like to see them compared with a same crowd of users trying to exacute an order at a same time (and I am not talking about the orders execution mode of metatrader 5 that has never been accepted and as it turned out, there never was a real reason to make it the way it was done)

Even this new metatrader 4 beats metatrader 5 in speed of execution big time (not 10-20% but 2-3 times - just see how indicators are drawn using metatrader 5 - you can drink a coffee while it outputs what you need on a chart). After few years of coding in metatrader 5 too I can just say that metatrader 5 was never what it was supposed to be (after all, metaquotes is implicitly admitting it with this new metatrader 4)

So use this new metatader 4, add dlls when you need extra speed and you will have the simplicity of metatrader 4 combined (if necessary) with the brute force of dlls. Using metatrder 5 will simply not beat that combination


PS: only some metatrader 5 code will work in this new metatrader 4. They are not compatible coding languages (the partial compatibility is not enough to call them compatible and I think that in the future, it will only be a cause of problems (the so called compatibility))


Very much appreciated mladen, thank-you.

It seems like they made a mess and we get to do all the extra work then


Some very annoying things with this new metatrader 4:

1. if you open multiple files for editing and make changes in more than one file, pressing F7 will save and compile all the files, not just the current. It clearly is saying the menus that ctrl+F7 compiles open files and that F7 compiles (current) one, but it is not so. You may find yourselves in a deep trouble simply because your compiler assumed that all should be saved without asking you

2. Autocomplete is ridiculous. Example : if you type "_di" you will get nothing but if you type "_Di" you will get "Digits". Now not only that you have to know the name of what you are looking for but you have to know the exact letter casing. That is as useful as hitting your own head with a brick to get smarter

3. There is no way in the help file to distinguish what is just metatrader 5 usable. There is not a single little word telling : "hey you moron, this works only in metatrader 5". They should have look at visual studio help files (if they claim that they based it on visual studio C++)


There is more, but this is for now. Even these 3 are making a coding job more a "what the hack did it do now" instead of coding


Mladen...I don't get it...some of my 16 indicators did not compile properly and were not working...after I placed previously saved ex files in the folder, everything works fine...almost...(cycle period indicator does not give me options to change "cycle period"...imagine that!...but I can live with that...)

Mladen...I don't get it...some of my 16 indicators did not compile properly and were not working...after I placed previously saved ex files in the folder, everything works fine...almost...(cycle period indicator does not give me options to change "cycle period"...imagine that!...but I can live with that...)


Old ex4files are working in a sort of a "compatibility mode" : it means that they are not changed or compiled with the new compiler (it is possible because there is a signature in the ex4 file "telling" to metatrader which version was used to produce it). Now, the moment you try to use the existing source and compile it with new compiler, new rules, new everything starts. And then you will find out that coding language is not 100% compatible with the "older" version and that some things are simply still not solved in the new version and that existing code will not produce an executable file

That is why you should keep the existing ex4 files compiled with build 509. To prevent such problems with this new metatrader since it will not be buggles any time soon.


And also, there is an issue of rewriting existing code to be compatible with this new metatrader 4. In some case it will simply mean that it will not be compatible with old versions any more


SSA did not compile properly... ...working only because of the old ex file...