Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 70


Seems that ninjatrader did something similar to what metatrader 4 is preparing to do - and it lead to users having loses (as usual) and using a buggy platform (seems that is usual too in the low cost trading platforms)


A new year greeting from metatrader : there will be no book for new metatrader 4. According to the post : "the extent of the changes is so big that the old book should be written from zero and we (metatrader) will not do that".

Happy new year people


What solution we have for that new MT-MESS platform? What we can do to get least harm? I am not computer technically oriented but would like to see some sun shining out of the thick gray clouds. What platforms can we use instead of MT? Looks like they are protecting crooked dishonest sellers from traders. Who is protecting traders from them? We should built Forex traders organization which will protect traders from the financial vultures hiding behind every corner.

We should prepare for the Armageddon before it happens.

Heads up



Lets not get too negative here, sure MetaQuotes could have handled the whole thing better and the platform has some basic issues however from my point of view the new platform allows me to do things I could never do with the old MT4, dropdown lists and real buttons for example and the transition from the old to the new MT4 code is not as hard as it was from MT4 to MT5 so its not all bad


the 3rd new yrs resolution on my list.... is to try to cut down on my MT4 addiction

it could be a hard habit to break, but may feel alot healthier for it in the long run,

free patches are available (that actually work)

as to why there needs to be an upgrade when they already have 2 working platforms,

most of us are still not really sure?

now where are those patches

Merry New year...


I was looking for that post telling that metaquotes will not do a book and in fact it is there

After all these years as a coder (used some 10-11 coding languages in my life) this is the first time that I see that the creator of a coding language is decisively telling that there will be no support in the form of a manual for a coding language. Strange ...


Anyway, we never did think that mql is a perfect coding language. The fact that metaquotes was lucky enough that a bunch of coding "morons" were willing enough to share what they know and to spread mql is now heavily ignored and that is an act that is not wise (at the least). Coders are not known for patience when it comes to being ignored. Well, we shall see what will the future bring, but I am 100% sure that protected code is going to be in majority in the future and, if by some "miracle", a new decompiler leaks from mq, then it will be a time to decide once and for good

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Yes, that is the post I was talking about

They expect us to do all their job. Seems they do not know to do it


I think the only solution, for good execution of profitable experts is:

Create a new external and independent program to any platform.

And you only need the platform to capture the price and put orders.

With a fully autonomous operation and not dependent on the commercial policy of a particular company.

It is a stable solution and the codes will be able to use it long time.

And the idea is to connect to any platform using brokers.

Will be necessary to program the experts in a standard, stable and known by all programmers, like C # language.

I contacted a developer who has spent several months working on its development.

But help from other programmers to finish the program in a short period of time is necessary.


I don't think that it is possible to create external program to any platform. Too different protocols, APIs (or no API at all - like metatrader) , ...


I don't think that profitability of the system depends on the trading platform (or the implementation of it). The only exception could be HFT (which depends almost 100% on hardware and hardware requirements). A system should be profitable regardless of the trading platform