Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 68


Last info is that "public beta will be released at 5th of January 2014" and that the final version will be released in the the second Half of January. Just wondering what was this version if there will be a "public beta" too?


Good luck to all with that release version ... we are going to need it


It is the first successful decision taking MetaQuotes.

His announcement of final version is changed by opening a public beta.

Is that nothing works well in the new mt4, and a long process of debugging will be necessary fixes.

Good news for the end of year.

Merry Christmas to all.


I think that I have worked out the object overlay in build 568.

1/ It appears that the name of the object is irrelevant.

2/ It is the order that each object is listed in the code that is important.

Previously to put a text object on top of a webding object the text had to be a higher value than the webding now it seems that the background object line of code just has to be above the text object line of code.

The object delete is very buggy as well, if an indicator with object code is compiled it will not delete off the chart when the indicator is removed unless you reload the indicator and remove it a second time.

I think that this may have been mentioned previously possibly about MT5 however I have noticed that when I compile one indicator it compiles any other indicators not compiled at the same time so I presume it must compile all the indicators open in the editor everytime I compile the indicator I am working on?



Thanks for the tip on objects. I just loaded the demo and my indicator paints the background in the init function and then displays the values on top of the wingdings. Unfortunately, I am also changing the background color of the wingdings after displaying the values. Sounds like this is a rewrite.


Thanks for the references, it is appreciated.

It is now storing the indicator source in \User\AppData\Metaquotes\Roaming\Terminal\UNIQUEidString\MQL4\Indicators which is not the unique directory I created for testing. As I have been using several different directories for different projects, does anyone know how to change it so that it points at the directory I originally created?

I am using a library of Mt4 functions and I experienced the same problems MLaden has documented while compiling. Interestingly, on the first execution of Terminal all worked correctly but when I changed the source and recompiled, the string problem occurred. i loaded all the functions into the indicator source and rectified the problem. But now a clean compile does not list the extraneous unused functions.

I did not find the WebInstall folder mentioned by MLaden in post 307. My standard 509 directory is not updating to the test version. Could it be they have deleted its use or fixed the update problem?

Here are two screen shots of 509 and 568 showing the label differences. In addition, notice that the data bars to the left of the large bar are different. I hope the difference (14 bars missing) is due to different shutdown times between Metaquotes and FinFX servers. if both versions are using the same data feed, then we really have a problem. Does anyone know?

mt4_568.png  112 kb
mt4_509.png  124 kb

Thanks for the tip on objects. I just loaded the demo and my indicator paints the background in the init function and then displays the values on top of the wingdings. Unfortunately, I am also changing the background color of the wingdings after displaying the values. Sounds like this is a rewrite.


Thanks for the references, it is appreciated.

It is now storing the indicator source in \User\AppData\Metaquotes\Roaming\Terminal\UNIQUEidString\MQL4\Indicators which is not the unique directory I created for testing. As I have been using several different directories for different projects, does anyone know how to change it so that it points at the directory I originally created?

I am using a library of Mt4 functions and I experienced the same problems MLaden has documented while compiling. Interestingly, on the first execution of Terminal all worked correctly but when I changed the source and recompiled, the string problem occurred. i loaded all the functions into the indicator source and rectified the problem. But now a clean compile does not list the extraneous unused functions.

I did not find the WebInstall folder mentioned by MLaden in post 307. My standard 509 directory is not updating to the test version. Could it be they have deleted its use or fixed the update problem?

Here are two screen shots of 509 and 568 showing the label differences. In addition, notice that the data bars to the left of the large bar are different. I hope the difference (14 bars missing) is due to different shutdown times between Metaquotes and FinFX servers. if both versions are using the same data feed, then we really have a problem. Does anyone know?


Make a shortcut and add "/portable" (without quotes) at the end of the command line to execute. That way it will store indicators in the mql4/indicators sub-folder of your beta folder (and it will use mql4 as basic sub-folder for experts, include files, script, indicators, ...)

As of labels : some labels work in a really strange way. When I start the terminal they are shown in one way and when I change time frames they are different. Or when I compile (anything - does not matter what at all) then sometimes labels are displayed OK (without having any relation to the source code compiled)


To me those dates of release still look like a wishlist that we (traders) are going to be sacrificed to as a "collateral damage"

To me those dates of release still look like a wishlist that we (traders) are going to be sacrificed to as a "collateral damage"

We shall see.

There is always brokers choice too (not to allow unreliable build of metatrader to their users) so it may even be a good filter to see what kind of a treatment users will have from their brokers. Always good to have some additional information that is not advertisement but a real relation of a broker to its clients - that might clear some things in the near future


One big issue I can see coming is how can anyone tell which is an old MT4 indicator and which is a new MT4 indicator as they both have the same .mq4, some indicators it would appear can simply be added to the new MT4 in ex4 form and run although not very efficiently however that same indicator may have been converted and have the same name so how is anyone going to tell the difference ( without looking at the code ) , do we need to start adding some sort of common symbol to the new versions so as not to get confused. eg indicator name_new.mq4 or indicator name .mq4 perhaps? there will be hundreds and hundreds of mq4's on the world wide net that are basically redundant so it might be helpful to be able to easily identify the new MT4 indicators somehow.

Just thinking aloud what does everyone else think?


Guess that we are going to have a confusion for quite some time. It is virtually impossible to convert all that needs to be converted in some acceptable time. And, as it is usual, people will want to use exactly the ones that are sometimes impossible (or hardest) to convert. For example, stuff using dlls that were fed with rates will have to use new dlls (since the rates have a changed format) or some "conversion on the fly" in the mql part will have to be done. Also, all offline stuff will have to be recoded (ALL)

Internally, whoever does that might do a good thing what cja proposes : to have some addition to the name that will mark that it is a new metatader 4 compatible, but knowing the practice of "renamers" better not to agree on any "standard" since it is 101% sure that someobne will misues that naming convention and that will just cause a damage to those that are doing their job properly