Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 2

Some news/information that are comming in with time :

1. According to some info it will not be possible to decompile executable any more

2. MT4 and MT5 will be kept as separate trading platforms

3. There will be no more championship(s)

Is it official that there will be no championship?

Is it official that there will be no championship?

Yes, it is official. In the Russioan post Renat (CEO of metaquotes) confirmed that there will be no more championships

atc.gif  10 kb
atc_rus.gif  10 kb

have they run out of spare cash for the prizes?

with all this messing around from Metaquotes - it seems it would of been much easier from the start to have just given the people what they want

(and not just some of the brokers)

But what comes next in the on going saga ??

have they run out of spare cash for the prizes?

with all this messing around from Metaquotes - it seems it would of been much easier from the start to have just given the people what they want

(and not just some of the brokers)

But what comes next in the on going saga ??

Don't know the reasons.

All I heard are guessing games. The prevailing one is that there are no sponsors any more, but frankly, I really do not know the exact reasons why


Whatever the reason is, there was always the same kind of EAs taking part of that competition. I an would not have used ay of it on my live account


Thanks Mladen

all these changes are slightly perplexing

some of us spend yrs finding a half decent platform and strategies and then the rug seems to be being pulled from under our feet

and wk by wk tradestation is starting to look more attractive

but i will be careful what i wish for with MT4 and 5 - except for a new improved tester and more adjustable times on MT5

the likes of Apple, Sony or Google don't treat there customers any better

next we'll here Metaquotes are spying on us

my mistake they all ready do

but it could be worse

Thanks Mladen

all these changes are slightly perplexing

some of us spend yrs finding a half decent platform and strategies and then the rug seems to be being pulled from under our feet

and wk by wk tradestation is starting to look more attractive

but i will be careful what i wish for with MT4 and 5 - except for a new improved tester and more adjustable times on MT5

the likes of Apple, Sony or Google don't treat there customers any better

next we'll here Metaquotes are spying on us

my mistake they all ready do

but it could be worse

I guess that we shall be able to see more of the future direction once they release the beta of the new metatrader 4. First of all they are promising complete compatibility and so far we had bad experience regarding promises like that. Also, if they provide a "no-decompiler" solution, that will change the metatrader community a lot - and my guess is that it will be less opened than it used to be at least for one simple reason - executable theft is not going to be a child game as it was till now (I am already getting tired of telling the same thing over and over : the "that is a decompiled code" sentence is repeated so many times that I can not even count it).

But, in order to avoid "predictions" even in this field, better that we finally see that beta and then we can tell much more as of what is going to happen.


I doubt that the "complete compatibility" will be reached any time soon. Somehow I I suspicious that all this is going to be used to force us to use metatrdaer 5. I would like to be wrong, but ...


In my opinion (and experience with metatrader so far) the best is to wait an see

Sometimes we simply can not imagine the things that they will do - some decisions were like from the twilight zone. Better not to assume anything that we should expect because almost sure that it will not be the way we expect it


Guess you are right

Lets wait