Biggest central bank mistake?


I was wondering what you think was the biggest mistake made by any central bank since 2008?

I think all central banks failed together and am a big opponent of stimulus as it only applies a short term fix hoping it will buy the economy time, but at some point someone has to pay for the stimulus which in my opinion is far worse than a recession from which sustainable growth can be achieved.

I think there are quite a few historical cases which show that stimulus does not work and ends up being counter-productive. It is terrible that central banks act in order to please investors and not in order to create an environment for stable as well as sustainable economic growth.


That they are bailing bankers and not bank customers


Second it. Financing golden parachutes instead of normal middle class life


I think those stimulus is try to stimulate the economy and decrease the unemployment rate and as you said, it's just a short term fix and not going to work forever and at some point they will decrease/stop the stimulation due to inflation.