US Un-Employment Report on Friday


Another month, another US un-employment report is due on Friday and June has been a weak month and there is no reason for this year to be any different. I think most traders are looking forward to Friday’s employment report which comes in a holiday shortened week and therefore we may not see the full reaction until Monday as most US traders will take the day off in order to celebrate a long July 4[SUP]th[/SUP] weekend.

I would not be terribly surprised to see downward revisions to the prior two months and a number below 100K for June and the USD getting hammered. I think we will not get the full start of trading for the third-quarter until the following Monday.


Yessss, my favorite news release of the month. I'm ready

Yessss, my favorite news release of the month. I'm ready

Cool results from NFP. Worked in my direction.

EU & GU dropped further from the announcement


I was surprised by the report's headline number, but after looking deeper into it I think it was rather lukewarm.

I was surprised by the report's headline number, but after looking deeper into it I think it was rather lukewarm.

Got nice trades with the news ??

Cool results from NFP. Worked in my direction. EU & GU dropped further from the announcement

Yes worked quite well for me too Always good to make some money off of these. They get really crazy, I love it.