Are you addicted to trading? - page 5

rasel munna:
Yes, I am. Because, I lost my trading capital so many times but I never thought to leave Forex trading. Now, I’m, spending per day minimum 12 hours for trading. Even, off days of market I make my weekly trading plan. Actually, without Forex trading I’m totally impossible. In near future Forex business will more popular profession.

Every trader need different time for trading. I usually spend about 3-5 hour for trading. Regardless how much profit which i can get during i trade. Although in small profit, i try to thankful for what i've got.


It is not a matter of addiction . Forex trading is for very intelligent people . If you take it as addiction , you can lose .


Making investments can be a fun way to pass the time on a rainy day, but it can just as quickly destroy one's livelihood. Financial markets are cold and unfeeling; they do not forgive easily and are not to be trifled with. The line between "hobby" and "addiction" is a thin one. Compulsive trading will ratchet up your transaction costs, stress level and time spent away from the important things in life.


No addiction. Compulsion


I think when we already make profit consistently in forex, it will be hard to leave forex. I also do not want to leave for trading because forex give me additional income although i only make small profit right now. But i try to more maximize my trading skills from time to time to makes be better when trading.

I have met a few traders who appeared to be addicted to trading and even though they were not professional traders they tended to make their daily decisions based on their trading and often cancelled or rescheduled planed events during the week due to trading. I think they did that because they were not profitable and believed that they need to be glued to their screens in order to finally turn around and generate profits on a few trades. They seemed addicted to it which influenced their lives in a negative way. You always read about the positives in trading, but very few mention the negative impacts a lot of people suffer (besides losing your capital).

I was addicted when I first started out but right now I wouldn't say am that hooked to it.


Every trader is a gambler. If someone told you, that he is not gambler - he is much gambler than you)))

IMO Addicted in the sense means watching charts most of the time of the day. Earlier I think I was addicted to it. But no more now & strike a balance btw fx and other activities.

When not watching them don't you feel unsettled? Like you are missing on some important opportunities?


I have been trading from years, but I would like to say that I am not addicted. No doubt that I trade for expenses and also for investing. So I trade 20 days a month, but for making some good money. I really don't say that I trade because I am addicted.

No i am not addicted to forex trading as i do my job for some specific time ad after coming form office i give my time to forex trading. I maintain my both job and trading equally.

Finally somebody like me. I give equal priority to the two too. Some people do not see the need for a job after getting into forex. Myself,I do.