Are you addicted to trading?


I have met a few traders who appeared to be addicted to trading and even though they were not professional traders they tended to make their daily decisions based on their trading and often cancelled or rescheduled planed events during the week due to trading.

I think they did that because they were not profitable and believed that they need to be glued to their screens in order to finally turn around and generate profits on a few trades. They seemed addicted to it which influenced their lives in a negative way. You always read about the positives in trading, but very few mention the negative impacts a lot of people suffer (besides losing your capital).


yeah i would say without any obstruction that i am forex trading addicted as it has become my part of life so i cant live without making trade now in my whenever i get trade i do it with spirit of getting some profit.


Everybody is addicted to trading at some stage (the night watches and similar stuff ). With time it passes


I don't think so. Forex trading is my priority because this is my main source of income.


IMO Addicted in the sense means watching charts most of the time of the day.

Earlier I think I was addicted to it. But no more now & strike a balance btw fx and other activities.


A lover of trading can mentioned as a kinda addict, but that view ought to be balanced. I love trading, but I'm no gambler, and I don't stay glued to my screen.


Not at all. Maybe just because I take it more as a business/job and it's easier for me to leave all pips/SL/TP behind me to go and relax. Or maybe, I just don't have gambler features, not easily addicted to adrenaline roller-coaster. Who knows..


Yes i amm addicted to Forex trading and there is very large number of trader who are addicted to Forex although traders had lost their lots of money in Forex but traders still trading.


No i am not addicted to forex trading as i do my job for some specific time ad after coming form office i give my time to forex trading. I maintain my both job and trading equally.


Some how you can say that i am addicted to forex trading . I usually trade with my money or bonus amount in real trading. If I had no capital I do trading on demo to satisfy my self . It gives me a sense that I am in touch with forex market.


I am so interested about forex its become my dream to earn money from you may i am quite addicted to forex.