The best SYSTEM I have ever met - page 2


I don't think who owns the site or registered it should be a problem.

Is it a reliable way to trade?, if what mrtools said about the system is anything to go by then it's worth a try

I don't think who owns the site or registered it should be a problem. Is it a reliable way to trade?, if what mrtools said about the system is anything to go by then it's worth a try

It has "scam" written all over it - from the first to the last letter of it


Guys, just be carefull

There are too much signs that something is wrong in that whole plot (frankly, if I see 99% success rate being claimed, I turn away, but that is my opinion)


Even on their "promotional video" the indicators are repainting (everybody can check on the video itself) . Those are solar wind + cycle finder + a sort of 3 level zz semaphore used - all free indicators and all are repainting


This is hard to believe, not enough detail.

This is hard to believe, not enough detail.

agree, scam to me, be careful!!


Allesio Rastani what a joke that guy i remember when he came on the news bottom was in the stockmarket now trying to pick tops long time whent long gold promoting it when the floor broke and he gor another margin call. But he funded it again offcourse with his students money who buy his rubbish. Pls you better off toising a coin then buying crap from this guy. The man is no trader just someone who wants to teach promote and sell rubbish to stupid people and then claims he is some guru. Hos apearance on the news when he actually was superbearish and talking about the huge crash the bottom was in. But his apreance made him famous because his words nobody else uses so much but he is just a piker and a coinartist pls stay away from this man you warned


Very good results. Thanks a lot.


We are having a scammer selling a "perfect system" based on another scammers lies

Perfect circle for a "perfect system"