Bug in version 4 mt4 build 500 - page 2


My broker only today upgraded to build 509

The first result was that it would not compile the file from this post : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/173058/page19 (as everybody can see there is not a single character from a decompiled code) and the all of a sudden it "decided" to start compiling again, so now I am awaiting what else will it do (bugs never come alone - and it seems that they are swarming in this case). It is becoming frustrating to work sometimes when I have to keep my fingers crossed to do a simple thing like compiling - wonder if some reports of EAs not working any more are having the same cause


This is not a bug

Found a neat little bug in 509.

I placed text in a subwindow. Later, I tried to reduce the size of the text while the indicator was running in a window. The change compiled ok and then immediately reduced the text size but then it returned to the old size by itself after a few seconds! It does this for both the font size and the text x, y locations. Tested again and looked at the object and sure enough, the settings were the old original values.

The solution? Compile correctly and then shut down Terminal and restart it and it works and retains the correct settings.

My error, I had another indicator calling the same indicator to obtain data values using iCustom. I forgot to realize that objects printed from an indicator running with iCustom still print on the screen. The iCustom code that is running from another indicator does not get updated until the chart is closed or the calling indicator removed from the chart