Make It No Repaint Please! - page 70

apprentice coder:
We all are failing. Whoever does not admit it, will never reach the stage when the failures are smaller than gains

Yes, but if we do not warn people that they should not use recalculating/repainting stuff in signaling mod, then we make the percentage of the people that fail greater.

Yes, but if we do not warn people that they should not use recalculating/repainting stuff in signaling mod, then we make the percentage of the people that fail greater.

Useless to tell them - they will think that you are hiding a secret

Useless to tell them - they will think that you are hiding a secret

Does not matter if it is useless or not - it is a matter of what a man should do to other man or not

Does not matter if it is useless or not - it is a matter of what a man should do to other man or not

Yep, you are probably right

Yep, you are probably right

OK. Then lets move on

OK. Then lets move on

Mr.mladen please make this indicator no repainting OR suggest this type of nrp indicator


wave_arrows.ex4  33 kb

Mr.mladen please make this indicator no repainting OR suggest this type of nrp indicator



I need the source code to make any change to that indicator. I can not change the ex4 file


Mr.mladen please make this indicator no repainting OR suggest this type of nrp indicator


Isn't that zigzag indicator?



I need the source code to make any change to that indicator. I can not change the ex4 file

Mr.mladen i can,t get source code please check it and create it new like this. i dont need zz only percentage based SR pls...........

Mr.mladen i can,t get source code please check it and create it new like this. i dont need zz only percentage based SR pls...........


Sorry, but the procedure would the opposite : when the source code is posted that you need the change to be made with, someone changes it. Not the reverse engineering or making some clones without knowing anything about the exact internals of some ex4 file