Americans Grow More Pessimistic on Economy


The U.S. economy may be hitting another "spring swoon," the same way it has for the past several years.

A slowdown from the economy's already slow rate of growth would not be surprising given the impact of the "sequester" and tax increases that went into effect earlier this year. These moves trimmed government spending across the board and increased taxes on most Americans

Not surprisingly, the sluggish economy has led to increased pessimism among American consumers. According to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, only one in four Americans expects their financial situation to improve over the next year. And only 46% of Americans now approve of President Barack Obama's handling of the economy.

The government certainly bears some responsibility for the state of the economy. The sequester, especially, was widely viewed as bad policy, and many economists thought it was not only unnecessary but would hurt the economy.

But much of the blame for our weak economy also lies with the private sector.

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"Pessimistic" is such an optimistic word. They are turning us into slaves - and that is much closer to reality than that we are growing "pessimistic"