- the new Way of Forextrading


anybody has some more Informations about this Company?

have a look at their webseite - they state:

...A new vision for the trading platform that re-defines the limits of what a trading platform can be....

it seems to be a kind of Apps Platform

..The AppStore is continuously fed with new, awesome apps, crowd sourced by our third-party tradable developer community. We take care of all the boring stuff so third-party developers can focus on creating amazing trading apps that are distributed to thousands of traders worldwide...

one must ask to get invited to get access...

hmm, will keep you updated - and I am definitely NOT promoting here anything, just curious

maybe you have a look at the video?


I have never heard about them and I checked out the website you mentioned which does not exist ( There is a website called which has nothing to do with forex trading. There is a company called tradable ( which has created an open trading platform (I assume this is the one you refer to). It seems like a smartphone app to me and I am not sure I would call it the future of fx trading.