Conditional / Persistent conditions coding


Hi Team, My warmest and deepest appreciation to all the great minds here, active and lurking.

MQL4 coder newbie here..

I was not sure where the proper forum for this post should be, so if this is not the correct forum, apologies in advance.

Looking for MQL4 code which will check for ConditionA(((dData1 + dData2) > dData3 + dData4)) over a lookback period of [X# of bars of Period () ], and if == True, if ConditionB == True, Period(), then Buy.

It would also need to check for no new conditions, ie:ConditionC occurred during lookback period. If ConditionC occurs during same lookback period and ConditionC is the most recent condition, then cancel ConditionA, and use ConditionC.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your time to consider this request.


Any thoughts or suggestions on this help?



You can do the following :

Declare a buffer called "condition". In each loop assign a value to a condition buffer that would be something like this :

contidion=(dData1 + dData2) > (dData3 + dData4)

After that it is easy to count back if a condition buffer contains 0 (false) or 1 (true) and assign ConditionB or ConditionC variables apropriate values

Hi Team, My warmest and deepest appreciation to all the great minds here, active and lurking.

MQL4 coder newbie here..

I was not sure where the proper forum for this post should be, so if this is not the correct forum, apologies in advance.

Looking for MQL4 code which will check for ConditionA(((dData1 + dData2) > dData3 + dData4))over a lookback period of [X# of bars of Period () ], and if == True, if ConditionB == True, Period(), then Buy.

It would also need to check for no new conditions, ie:ConditionC occurred during lookback period. If ConditionC occurs during same lookback period and ConditionC is the most recent condition, then cancel ConditionA, and use ConditionC.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your time to consider this request.