Forex is for every profession. - page 7


The usual error : everybody can trade. Well, not : see the number of traders that are staying on forums


Trading is for every profession but not for every people


Correctly, at present Forex is deliberated as a most profitable business in the professional world. This is a business that can kick off at any place in the world with a little amount. In my trading life I took Forex as my part time business since achievement in this industry is related a short term process. And this is a commerce platform where it is possible to make money as my wish that I want.


Working as a part timer but thinking to make it full time.

Trading is for every profession but not for every people

Because everyone don't understand, right?

Because everyone don't understand, right?

No. For the same reason why not everybody can do any job. If you know to do some job, you do it. If you don't then you are going to do it wrong


dear members and visitor here

as everybody is free to write his her opinion,right or wrong or common according to his her knowledge ,experience and mental flow,i would like point out few things.Forex and other this kind of things,you know not a factory that producing sources and product,not a mine of money,no government and state or financial institute (like IMF or such numbers of other kinds) that providing money,for you traders to play with.

actually we are exchanging our money with each other,we are loser we are gainer,new comers,trainees and apprentices are loosing and experts and smart are gaining,today is my turn,tomorrow could be your turn.we are picking money from others pocket by tricks and more smart are picking from less is not coming from out side,imagine when mostly traders (more than 50% say even 51% in term of volume) will became enough smart and expert,this business will be stopped and finished in less time because it is not production,it is just exchanging.

the worst part of this is ,money is gradually going to brokers permanently,they are not sharing their money only taking,but don't worry,till when hopes and greediness is in human nature,and till when there are foolish in this world,this will be working.i am also one of those,i don't know if i was able to make you understand my point of view.



I like Forex because there is no limitations and every one can participate in Forex trading. Forex is a huge source of making money online sitting before a computer at home.


if it can be taught then its for everyone i guess, coz every one has a certain dgree of learning. that how i see things, honestly my first forex exp was like diving in to deep seas when i have never touched waters before, i knew nothing, it was one hell of an exp and you just have to learn from it. I even ended up blowing my first two accounts with hotforex a couple of years back. both micro.


First, we must understand that anything can happen in the forex market, even if it is the most perfect setup. For example, if a trader risk 10% per trade. As a result, he made a series of 5 losing trades. He would have wipe of 50% of his trading capital because he risked 10% per trade.And with just 50% left, it will be hard for him to make back his loss.I still use risk 2% per trade, With a series of 5 losing trades. I'd only lose 10% of my capital, Which is not to bad. and with additional 15% bonus from deposit bonus got upon my account, these an extra advantage for my equity balance.