There Are All Kinds Of Signs That The Market Is In Trouble,And Mila Kunis Is Just One


We noted with a bit of amusement on Friday that actress Mila Kunis said she was getting more into investing, and planning to hold less cash.

In his latest Up & Down Wall Street column, Barron's Randal Forsyth says signs are popping up all over the place.

In addition to Kunis, Greenspan was also on TV yesterday:

Now, with the Dow at a record, the Maestro declares stocks to be "undervalued," an assertion that might be open to reasonable debate. It does, however, reflect the increasingly ebullient sentiment becoming more pervasive not only among the financial elite, such as the former Fed chairman, but also celebrities far removed from the markets.

And individual investors are getting exuberant too:

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Must be nr time to short the indices again


One more bubble - always the same