Demo account useful for beginners only - page 7

results on demos and real accounts are never the same

That is because of real money and psychology


Demo account is usually for traders, both beginners or experienced traders. We just have to use demo account to trade as well as possible to get more maximal result. We must know that forex trading is not easy as we think. I usually use TenkoFx demo account to hone my trading skills. I get more trading experience and it's very useful for trading.

That is because of real money and psychology

Not just that

Execution times, slippages, news time spreads ...

on my own:
Not just that Execution times, slippages, news time spreads ...


Seems that some haven't noticed those. Makes me wonder how


whats all this pushing your own favorite bucket shop broker nonsense (again)

surely demoing on a bucket shops demo platform is nowhere the same as what will happen with real money

although a few bucket shops do use alot of the same tactics as on the real platforms, but how many im not sure

if you can't make money on demo, you've got no chance for real

and NO a demo account is not only useful for beginners - many pros still use demo accounts to test their newest strategy's

why would you want to use real money in the testing phase

the money that is saved by beginners and pros and the benefit of demoing is not to be underestimated

please never think that same bucket shop that was used for demoing will allow anyone to become a millionaire

those that make substantial income from trading ONLY use real ECN

(as always there is exception to the rule - but generally the bucket shops can only afford to pay out so many 100k+ cheques)

if a bucket shop is all one can afford to trade with at the start of real trading, then only use the ones that are bridged to the real exchange brokers as the next best option, not sure how good they are, but cant be any worse than the bad old bucket shops


Maybe this helps :

Not a bucket shop (I never heard anything like that about them), but what do you mean where is the hft part attached to? That is the part that was missing from the reasons for a difference


It does not matter if it is a newbie or experienced trader. Demo is for testing (and learning). Live account is for trading


The importance of demo account for a newbie is huge.Without a demo account no Forex trader can be successful.Its a playground for a forex trader.Try No Deposit Bonus

Guys, what you can say about Demo contests? Is it possible to coin money playing on demo? I joined my broker demo contest to try my luck.. Any vivid examples of how to succeed there?

almost all contests are on demo accounts. otherwise there would be no contestants


after a major loss to strategise a new trading plan, test it out before going back to trade on a real account. Anybody can trade on a demo account both beginners and advanced traders. A beginner can use a demo account to test or workout a trading strategy while a professional trader can fall back to a demo account