Harmonic & Time - page 43


We all know that cycles are not the same...but in the last 3 days eurusd makes lows about 62 bars on 15m chart (vertical orange lines)

The next time is 16.15 p.m Rome time....10.15 a.m. NEW YORK TIME.....I will see may be eurusd will form some harmonic pattern....

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Mike mike, you are too condescending to think you have a right to make such a comment, I was noobe like you too once, but I had respect and sense, not to keep posting stupid questions and comments, but read the thread covering several years in some cases for beginning to end. You come on without reading and without respect, taking up space in thread, which we allow and turn blind eye to because we understand the excitement from the newbie, but now you come on high vigilante with no authority trying to put me down. No way, mind own biz. This person was following me through several threads trying to make indirect comments to me, even his nickname means to "copy/mimick" he think iam reading but I am not so I want to HELP HIM by showing I am not interested and beyond his level. And I want to HELP YOU TOO mad mike! You are not some kind of important person or rich person, just small little tiny fish in big ocean full of hungry sharks n giant squids.

you are such a waste of time , just because you have been here for a longer time doesn't make you any better , you are such a useless member in this forum , even the senior members who develop the indicator and do all the work are down to earth and answer all questions in good manners so why with someone like you who don't develop anything who doesn't have any knowledge to share talk as if they own this forum or own the whole Forex market .

End of story for me , i am not going to waste another 2 mints saying anything to a useless and hopeless person like you

We all know that cycles are not the same...but in the last 3 days eurusd makes lows about 62 bars on 15m chart (vertical orange lines) The next time is 16.15 p.m Rome time....10.15 a.m. NEW YORK TIME.....I will see may be eurusd will form some harmonic pattern....

OK...yesterday at 11 NY time on 30m chart....EURUSD made an high and harmonic pattern.

Often time low becomes an high or high becomes low...the important thing is that there is a timing setup and inversion after some number of bars....and for us was 62 bars on 15m chart.

Below is the 30m chart (I always open 1m-5m-15m-30m-60m-4H-1D on two monitors in order to see all time frames of the same market):

euro_1.gif  36 kb

This is the chart...sorry for the bad previous image......:

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OK....let's go on with TIME...:

I see that since 19-march 2013 EURUSD makes 6 lows distance average of 155 bars (chart 1H,vertical orange lines).....155/24 are about 6.5 days.

In 5 instances low is exactly 155 bars...at 4 april 2013 is little next.

So...pay attention for nex 6.5 days starting from recent low.....and may be it will an high...I don't know...but it is a setup inversion.

See image:

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Fibonacci Deviations :

Zup113 uses maximum fib deviation %5

zup135 uses maximum fib deviation %7-9

less fib deviation more accuracy but less found patterns

more fib deviation less accuracy but more found patterns

I choose first one since accuracy is more important for me.

Hi Grandaevus,

Many Thanks for your sharing and the code improvement...

As I am new to Harmonic Trading.., and near going through 400 pages of this forum..^^

For your suggestions, you would prefer to use ZUP_V113WSV51 ?!

Any template setting that you are using and what is your trading time frame and PRZ confirmation method?

Thanks ...


Hi, I have been drawing the Navarro pattern by hand because the zup indicators I am using just don't seem to pick them up. For instance the chart below would be a pattern that I would consider trading. I am sure there is something I don't understand about the zup indicators and how to use them and would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction as far as settings. I am using zup_133 and 134 with the Navarro pattern implemented. Thanks for the help!

gbpusdh1.png  62 kb
Only ZUP 110 poruchik - 11 c.p. (or my mod TU-160) or 2 ZUP 135

is it possible to add a time filter. FROM XB to BD? with all 4point patterns here?


Hi, I have been drawing the Navarro pattern by hand because the zup indicators I am using just don't seem to pick them up. For instance the chart below would be a pattern that I would consider trading. I am sure there is something I don't understand about the zup indicators and how to use them and would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction as far as settings. I am using zup_133 and 134 with the Navarro pattern implemented. Thanks for the help!

N200 is just forming in GBP usd. the pattern you draw dont have right time requirements. Look at chart now. Max XD retracement should not penetrate 127% retracement to qualify.


N200 just formed in aud USD H4 chart