U.K. banks still give customers poor advice


Britain's leading retail banks are still failing a quarter of their customers when advising them on investment products, financial regulators said Wednesday.

Despite years of investigations, billions of pounds in compensation for past scandals and repeat apologies from senior executives, the industry is still providing unsuitable advice or failing to make adequate background checks on customers in 26% of cases.

The Financial Services Authority has begun a formal investigation into one bank. It declined to comment on the identity of the bank but several media reports named Santander UK, part of Spain's biggest banking company, as the target.

Santander declined to comment on whether it was the subject of an investigation. But it said it was "considering the findings" of the review in the context of measures it took last year to prepare for the introduction of new FSA rules, including extra training for staff and new risk questionnaires.

"We continue to believe it is important to offer customers access to a broad range of financial products which are suitable to their needs and individual situations, and we are working towards that objective," Santander said in a statement.

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Compared to some US banks they are saints. See J.P.Morgan as an example and the vast billions lost :):)