Problems with string in DLL and WinHttpClient



i try to send a string from mql to dll and work with them...

Code in MQL:

#import "myDLL.dll"

bool SetString(string foo);

#import//+-------------------------------------------------------+int start() {

string foo = "bar";



Code in DLL (taken from

[CODE]bool SetString(string foo) {

// Set URL.

WinHttpClient client(L"");

// Set post data.

string data = "foo="+foo;

client.SetAdditionalDataToSend((BYTE *)data.c_str(), data.size());

// Set request headers.

wchar_t szSize[50] = L"";

swprintf_s(szSize, L"%d", data.size());

wstring headers = L"Content-Length: ";

headers += szSize;

headers += L"\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";


// Send HTTP post request.


wstring httpResponseHeader = client.GetResponseHeader();

wstring httpResponseContent = client.GetResponseContent();


Now, I use Wireshark to monitor my HTTP Traffic and the DLL send only the variable.

What's wrong in the code. I tried several ways to transfer the string to DLL...


No Idea? No hint?


In a "simple" C like manner (without using objects and without operators overloading) you can not concatenate strings with "+". So string data = "foo="+foo; will not result in what you expected. use strcat() or some similar function for that

No Idea? No hint?

I don't got any error while compiling. I'm, not sure if the data is availble inside the dll. How can I clarify, if this code works:

stringfoo ="bar"; SetString(foo);