I need your best advise. - page 2


Best advice : Don't trade if you can not take a loss

Agnnis Bingamin:
To earn good and consistent profit requires great hard work we need to have thorough in all aspects of forex and we need to have updated with market and all fundamentals.

Yes of course consistent cannot be earned without proper knowledge and experience and if trader practice properly then this goal can be achieved.

I need your advise on how to make a consistent profit. How can i earn a lot of money?

get some advice from the experts if you are a new trader and do some research online, there are so many ways where you can find some articles in the internet about forex trading.


For me as a new trader, it is good to begin with getting more knowledge about Forex trading. This includes visiting and reading various Forex forums and Web sites and sharing ideas and tips with other members in the Forex community. Trying a demo account is also useful. Then when you think you are now ready to start the live trading, it is best to begin trading the smallest amount until you develop a good working trading strategy as the actual trading goes by.

For me as a new trader, it is good to begin with getting more knowledge about Forex trading. This includes visiting and reading various Forex forums and Web sites and sharing ideas and tips with other members in the Forex community. Trying a demo account is also useful. Then when you think you are now ready to start the live trading, it is best to begin trading the smallest amount until you develop a good working trading strategy as the actual trading goes by.

I do agree.Forex is a high risk high reward business.You'll need every knowledge and skill you can get to be successful in this trade.


Persistence is key!


You can tell form all the posts, trading takes time to master. There's no set time scale to become profitable, it all depends on how persistent and determined you are to learn and break through all the barriers that stand between yourself and gaining your edge.

Forex has been the biggest challenge for me up to date, well apart from having three kids!!!!

Seriously though the forex is a long journey and do not expect the results to fall on your lap.

The biggest hurdle is to master the psychology side of trading and really accepting the markets can do what they like when they like. we just need to learn to find the high probability trades and let the market do its thing.

before you can make consistent profits in forex, you need to equipped yourself with trading knowledge. there's no shortcut to success

You're absolutely right in there buddy.Forex isn't a quick-rich scheme to earn,you need to learn it first before you earn


Dont worry about the "big money" you want.. Worry about learning how to trade and making good picks.. They money will take care of itself one way or the other..