Practice makes perfect.


Opening a demo account is very helpful to beginners to be able to earn a lot of profit in dealing to real account.


Isn't it always so?

Opening a demo account is very helpful to beginners to be able to earn a lot of profit in dealing to real account.

Demo verse Real

Opening a demo account is very helpful to beginners to be able to earn a lot of profit in dealing to real account.

The only thing a demo account is good for is to learn the basics of how the trading platform works after that initial period you are far better opening a small live account to trade on and to learn your craft. The bottom line is it does not matter how much you can achieve with play money, when it becomes real money no matter how small the amounts traded everything changes.

The only thing a demo account is good for is to learn the basics of how the trading platform works after that initial period you are far better opening a small live account to trade on and to learn your craft. The bottom line is it does not matter how much you can achieve with play money, when it becomes real money no matter how small the amounts traded everything changes.

Yes entirely agree with CJA, and add the stress when you have bills to pay and taxes to pay, and a family who counts on you, that's real money we need just to live.


It is a true statement that practice makes perfect , In forex too as much we do practice on demo account we know tips as well as the ways to manage risk .Demo means not to just make profits with money or loosing.If a trader is really concerned he will learn all details here.

Learning, reading books and analyzing the market is of high importance. However, if we aim to be successful and want to improve our skills and trading results we should practice a lot and pay attention to the trading methods and trading management.

The most of the books shows perfect scenario that is not so often visible on the market. Also, the market and volatility are changed over the time and many described strategies does not work in the current market stage. I mean reading book is great, but should not trust them on 100% and from each book needs to made some own conclusion about the market.
The practice applying what we have read or concluded and testing new strategies will ensure with so called "screen time" and experience.
Demo is good, but just for mastering strategies and should not be something the trader stick for a long time as this will be obstacle for the future :)

Indeed, practice can make you perfect – but practice at Live conditions, not only Demo. The demo can gave you some not that real confident that you are “the best” trader.