Best Forex Books?


I have recently read "Diary of a Currency Trader - Samuel J Rae"

It has brought me round to a whole new way of approaching Forex and i now feel confident that i CAN become a trader full time eventually.

Just wondering if anybody knows of any other books along the same lines that have had an effect on you when you read them?

Look forward to seeing what you all say


I have recently read "Diary of a Currency Trader - Samuel J Rae"

It has brought me round to a whole new way of approaching Forex and i now feel confident that i CAN become a trader full time eventually.

Just wondering if anybody knows of any other books along the same lines that have had an effect on you when you read them?

Look forward to seeing what you all say


this article is about :Top 10 Investment and trading Books every Investor Should Read

Trading horizons: Top 10 Investment and trading Books every Investor Should Read


this article is about :Top 10 Investment and trading Books every Investor Should Read

Trading horizons: Top 10 Investment and trading Books every Investor Should Read


Well, it is easy to read a book on how to ride a bike. But it is a work of intelligence to buy a bike and try to riding on it. Ya. You make good. But I think you need to trade with demo account for a long term. While trading with demo account you will find your fault and by recovering it you will able to trade real account. Do not greed hope one day you will also become a successful trader.


I recently finished Peter Steidlmayer - Markets & Market Logic


In my trading platform MXTrade has huge educational books for acquiring exact trading knowledge for keeping survive in this stage. But, from all these I like most Forex eBook which taught me the most essential lesion that is very supportive to make profit constancy. I have acquired from here, the traders psychology with essential terms and concepts. And, I gathered the accurate successful trading tips that I always use my trading policy. By the way, now I am busy in MT4 video tutorial that is the main source to me to get together proper technical support for trading.


Best is to trade. No book will prepare for live trading


Trading detailed report : best way to learn

Trading detailed report : best way to learn

That is something that some people do not want to read, or, if they are lucky, they do not read that they were lucky. It depends on the trader will he learn from trade report or not


There are many books available online as well as printed ones. I had used many books in starting but it only helps in starting in the middle part of trading you just need your experience.


Didn't read that book as you said. But I am looking for a book which will inspire me a lot to go ahead. What do you think about the book which you had read recently?