Questions?? - page 4


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How do find most profitable signals. What characteristic have to be paid attention? Thanks.

I hate to be biased but the best platform, for me, is Brokers Star's MT4 platform. Check it out and see for yourself.

I agree with you. I really like this platform and used to trade on MT4. It is clearly anough for newbies.

How do find most profitable signals. What characteristic have to be paid attention? Thanks.

I can't name one since I'm not really into forex signals. You may go online and check for ratings or reviews of different signal providers. The more positive reviews a provider gets, the more it is considered reliable. Be careful.


Thank you for advise. I'll do this. But it difficult for me to distinguish provider's signal from honest one. Maybe you can prompts main points how to do this.

Thank you for advise. I'll do this. But it difficult for me to distinguish provider's signal from honest one. Maybe you can prompts main points how to do this.

May be I'm too carefull, but I do nit trust any companies which offer signal services. If they are really worthy no one would sell them. It's better to learn trading yourself and make money without any additional services.

May be I'm too carefull, but I do nit trust any companies which offer signal services. If they are really worthy no one would sell them. It's better to learn trading yourself and make money without any additional services.

Before subscribing to any signal service; its best take a free trial to test if its worth and if it suits your trading style and your trading needs. There are over hundreds of technical indicators which you can experiment/modify to suit your trading and profit.

May be I'm too carefull, but I do nit trust any companies which offer signal services. If they are really worthy no one would sell them. It's better to learn trading yourself and make money without any additional services.

I truly believe too that manual trading is way better. Not really a fan of Forex signals or robots. They only teach traders to be dependent rather than learn on their own.

I made this expert advisor, and I am trying to call external functions made by me in the code but I can not. Please tell me how to do it.
I made this expert advisor, and I am trying to call external functions made by me in the code but I can not. Please tell me how to do it.

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