
How can you avoid online scams in trading?

Credit card questions

Can I link my credit card to my trading account?

Bank account questions

Can I link my bank account to my trading account?

Hacking my account

Can some people hack to my trading account?

Tracing my trading transactions

How can I trace my trading transactions?
  • Carl09
    Tracing my trading transactions
  • How can I trace my trading transactions? Check the history tab on your account
  • Today, 12:02 AM
  • Carl09
    Hacking my account
    Can some people hack to my trading account? Sure, but mostly no one bothers unless you are really very profitable
  • Yesterday, 11:46 PM
  • Carl09
    Bank account questions
    Can I link my bank account to my trading account? You can with some brokers , but mostly no
  • Yesterday, 11:44 PM
  • Carl09
    Credit card questions
    Can I link my credit card to my trading account? Depend on the broker , you can fund your trading account and withdraw money using your visa but there is no direct link
  • Yesterday, 11:43 PM
  • Carl09
    How can you avoid online scams in trading? Mostlyeverything about forex is shared for free , those who teach and sell they do that because they can't trade

How does aggregate risk differ from risk?

How does aggregate risk differ from risk?
Can some people hack to my trading account?

Yes, as you know that there are lots of IT hackers out there and if you do not check your account everyday or give your username and password to anyone, I am sure your account will be hacked. So let us all be aware and make sure that we do not give any details of our account for security purposes.


The answer of all your question is find a trustful broker before investment.

The things should be concerned to select a good broker :

1. Broker should have very strong security system to keep your information private .

2. You will get good reviews from traders about the broker when you will search about the broker in google.

3.Broker is giving service for long time.

4.Broker allow your available withdraw process.


what is day trading?

what is day trading?
what is day trading?

Day trading - trader opens and closes his position during one day and doesn't keep them long instaed of long-term traders.