Give me answer all code guru (masters) - page 12

That is a simple lie

You (under your other user name himanshu99) have posted the same pictures and nothing else. Your posts have been deleted for multiple user name usage (go to FF and try to do that there and you will see what happens to you - here you are left with your "lion" name since here we think that everybody deserves a chance if he/she does not cross some borders - scamming people for example)

So, if you tell something, tell the truth. You have never ever posted a post that contained an attachment that did not have a remained indicators (the "famous himanshu" indicators) or just pictures and the last 2 from your other user name were nothing but pictures. So, till now, you gave nothing and I really doubt that except for occasional laugh we are going to get anything meaningful from you

All the best in your quest for a system that you will then sell to others

first ur information i m here not for sell anything

second i forget my password of himanshu99

so i make another account

see in this pics this indicator little bit repaint

r u fix it?????

lion_7.gif  17 kb
macd2_v1.mq4  6 kb

delete account

hyperinflation will come with hyperterminal and hyper-platform so we should not be worry about


i say that plsssssssssss

delete my himanshu99 account



"little bit repaint" is like being a little bit pregnant.....

lion of gail:
first ur information i m here not for sell anything

second i forget my password of himanshu99

so i make another account

see in this pics this indicator little bit repaint

r u fix it?????
"little bit repaint" is like being a little bit pregnant.....

what's ur problem

do ur work

r u understand or not

i m talk with mladen


That is decompiled code. As I said it over and over : I do not alter or work with any decompiled code. Sorry

lion of gail:
first ur information i m here not for sell anything

second i forget my password of himanshu99

so i make another account

see in this pics this indicator little bit repaint

r u fix it?????
That is decompiled code. As I said it over and over : I do not alter or work with any decompiled code. Sorry

honestly i say

i m very triad to roaming one forum to other forum

people say u r so smart and u know every thing

do u know i m try so hard to found system for trading

i west my three years behind it but what i get nothing

now what i say u???

some time i think for suicide

now last i ask u have any indicator which ratio is loss:win 7:3

i think trading exchanges are only fallibility and nothing

i don't want it free

but i want know what is the true . is that indicator help us other wise they are only fallibility

every morning when i wake up i going to found job

and think today i get this system which i want today i got job

but what happen nothing. result is same every time it's 0. if u have like this indicator so help me i want see it's pics

that is my last try for trading than i shut down every thing

plsssssss tell my post answer


Sorry to ask, but do you really think that anybody believes stories like that on the net? Posting things like that, all you are going to accomplish is to be ignored

Sorry to ask, but do you really think that anybody believes stories like that on the net? Posting things like that, all you are going to accomplish is to be ignored

what r u think i do all this because i have no 100$

no never if u think i do trolling that's ur mistake

i m not say u give me something but u have any indicator which ratio is 7:3 (win:loss)

i want see it pls post it's pics only

what happen to do this ?

if u do this so my confidence level make strong so i say

don't think i make story

that is ur choice believe me or not i m not make any kind of force on u

i west my three years in

That is decompiled code. As I said it over and over : I do not alter or work with any decompiled code. Sorry


i decide that i leave the trading.

i go now this sector was not for me.

i specially say that to new digital u when i try tell some true than u delete my post

that not ok

i one thing learn here if u tell true people hit u with stone

bey good luck


Don't give up and don't get angry, it wont make it easier,

and don't forget most of us on this site have been there and many others all over the world

some never succeed because they either rush in too quick, and or give up too soon

it seems it takes most 4-5+ yrs to really get it - some only a few yrs, but they are the minority

but if you want it bad enough you will find a way

If you follow the higher TFs you can find the answers, you don't need to be a guru to see what happens on those

there are a million different strategy's out there but they are all following the bigger trends (in some degree)

if you just traded the EURO / USD and GBP / USD or something similar and studied them hard you could earn a nice living

some people trade only the Dow Jones or FTSE or IBEX, and do ok

there are some good people on here, a few wallys also!

but no-one wants to give away all there secrets, as its a hard world out there

but anything is possible, just no free lunches