Give me answer all code guru (masters) - page 8

This is becoming ridiculous : attacking everybody with no reason at all (I guess me too after this post) has its name in medicine and should be treated accordingly ...

i say to SORRY every one new digital and all who feel bad

i think unemployment,my ambition, irritation make me so much angry

i not want any one sympathy but since last one year i m unemployment and i m not get scholarship for my study

but in this situation i not forget my aim.

but when i think i don't make me myself than what about country

again i say sorry to every one

Whatever you are on you should stop taking it. It is clearly damaging your brain cells. Save statements like that for the time when you actually become a politician. Read the posts again. Bye

sorry do u not know how to feel when u lost every things hope,life,carrier,girl friend and friends

i say sorry

lion of gail:
sorry do u not know how to feel when u lost every things hope,life,carrier,girl friend and friends i say sorry

There is always hope, so what re you going to do to to change your situation, your life.


... did you manage to accomplish all of this in such a short time?!?

lion of gail:
sorry do u not know how to feel when u lost every things hope,life,carrier,girl friend and friends i say sorry
lion of gail:

relay in the world no one can help u with out themes profits

nothing wrong with it

now look u why r u help me ?????

i m not ur bother either friend i m stranger

don't feel bad that is nature again i tell u thank

I am more experienced person compare with you sorry. And this my experience is from very different countries live (not virtually). And I can tell you that you are not right with it.

There is one secret how to find good people to help you.

This secret is the following:

be good with people and help them as much as you can.

and the people will help you as much as they can.

I mean: as much as you are able to help in your situation, and they will help as much as they are able to do in their situation.

It is only way to live.

I am more experienced person compare with you sorry. And this my experience is from very different countries live (not virtually). And I can tell you that you are not right with it.

There is one secret how to find good people to help you.

This secret is the following:

be good with people and help them as much as you can.

and the people will help you as much as they can.

I mean: as much as you are able to help in your situation, and they will help as much as they are able to do in their situation.

It is only way to live.

why not every one talk with u polite u r the master u have all indicators and ea so how to ur experiences bad with other

no one can talk with u in bad language

forget all thing


I am not sure that I understand you ...

Because it is international world and people are responsible about what they are talking.

There are few intl' institutions who are independently discovering trolling (discovering usernames) (I know one institution in the UK for example) and reporting about them for legal actions. So, you should always think about what you are talking to the others. It is international forum and international world.

why not every one talk with u polite ...

Why do you need everyone?

or it is for me personally?

if to me so I do not care ... you can tell about me anything, not a problem for me.

I care about our tsd community. Because it looks very bad - you came to our community and already attacked us with no reason at all.

Just imagine - you will download any system from here and will start to use it and will lose 10 dollars ... and you will remember us whole your life ... we care about our tooths sorry ...


I was replying and trading on the same time

Why Indian market closed today?

I opened the trade for Gold only because it is written that market is closed:

I am more experienced person compare with you sorry. And this my experience is from very different countries live (not virtually). And I can tell you that you are not right with it.

There is one secret how to find good people to help you.

This secret is the following:

be good with people and help them as much as you can.

and the people will help you as much as they can.

I mean: as much as you are able to help in your situation, and they will help as much as they are able to do in their situation.

It is only way to live.

why i get award here for my bad behave

i m surprise !!!!!!!

i tell u about my life next month my girl friend get married to other

u know why i have no money as her father.

don't think that i want to became millionaire for her it big amount to married her

here is 1,00,000$ is inf to prove my self again her father

now in all world i don't like any thing with out her

i m trying to make my system since last three years but i m not susses yet now tell me u why not i became angry

ok now i forget about my lover. i decide i never marry in life i live for my county that is my dream when i m 13 year old

but when i start any thing same problem come to the face MONEY

no one listen u without power and power became from money and money came from mind and money

it's simply example is U

yes u are administration so every one listen u

and anther example is USA yes it have power,money ,human power so every underdevelopment county tell them yes yes yes again USA

really true is what power is every thing who get it he or she become BOSS

who has power themes wrongs become right and if u no power so ur right become wrongs

any way don't thing about me i talk with anyone about my life so long time

I was replying and trading on the same time Why Indian market closed today?

I opened the trade for Gold only because it is written that market is closed:

Indian time is GTM+5:30

it start 9am in morning and close at 3:30pm afternoon