$25 to $25000 in 10 trades: Lets brainstorm...


I forgot where I saw this but somewhere in the internet I read this one guys idea to take 25$ and make it into 25000$ in 10 days (or trades).


trade1 = 1lot

trade2 = 2lots

trade3 = 4lots

trade4 = 8lots

trade5 = 16lots

and so on....

it does not seem like that bad an idea since you would have about 1000 attempts and making 10 1:1RR trades in a row before you will no longer get any return on your investment. (obviously its less once you factor in the spreads but that is the basic idea).

So my questions are:

1. Has anyone attempted anything like this?

2. Does anyone know any EAs that can pull off 10 successful 1:1 trades in a row (even if its not on the first few attempts)?

I think this style of system would do better for me than all the other traditional martingales involve starting with a lot of capital which will most likely be lost. I think realistically if I put in 25$ a week i would have about 10 years to try and pull it off :-P

If anyone knows of such an EA I could attempt to rig it with an reverse martingale MM system.


I think it's way easier to do something like this trading Option Straddles.

Back in 2008, I turned $400 Into $6000 + in 3 weeks trading Option Straddles, and since the volatility was so wild as the markets were collapsing, I simply did not care which direction the markets went, I made money anyway.

If you wanna do something like this.. try capped futures or capped spreads. Very easy to do straddles since each side has the loss capped and if there is a big news release, you WILL make money.

Having said that.... last year I had a pretty good run... about 10+ trades that were profitable... but I was doubling my order size with each trade (using my previous trade's profits) ... and it only took 1 LOSS to wipe the entire run and I was left with $0, so it has to be done carefully.

The way I trade the capped spreads now is by doubling my number of contracts traded after having 5 wins. That way I still have room to breathe.

My 2 cents.

I think it's way easier to do something like this trading Option Straddles.

Back in 2008, I turned $400 Into $6000 + in 3 weeks trading Option Straddles, and since the volatility was so wild as the markets were collapsing, I simply did not care which direction the markets went, I made money anyway.

I dont know much about "option straddles" but I will do my homework. Obviously I am still interested in the forex route since a 1000x return on ones investment is a lot more attractive than 15x BUT your idea may be a nice way to fund an undertaking like the one I am suggesting.

If you wanna do something like this.. try capped futures or capped spreads. Very easy to do straddles since each side has the loss capped and if there is a big news release, you WILL make money.

I will research this. I havent gotten much into the stock/futures/options game since most brokers dont seem to offer demos and they mostly use crappy web based platforms (no where near as robust as FXCMs platform let alone MT4).

Having said that.... last year I had a pretty good run... about 10+ trades that were profitable... but I was doubling my order size with each trade (using my previous trade's profits) ... and it only took 1 LOSS to wipe the entire run and I was left with $0, so it has to be done carefully.

The way I trade the capped spreads now is by doubling my number of contracts traded after having 5 wins. That way I still have room to breathe.

YES! I can only imagine that the pressure only doubles with each step in the trade. Im still getting more attracted to the idea of risking a small sum to make 1000fold VS depositing a 1000fold and risking catastrophic and inevitable failure just to make 5-10% a month or something with a risky and traditional martingale.

My other idea is to find a very very very risky EA with a large return (30-100% a month) and double the starting lot size everytime I make 100% and strech it out over 1-3years or run several pairs at the same time and hope one of them comes out on top.

My 2 cents.

Thank You! That was good feedback.


I can tell you. This event does exist. and the leverage is extreme crazy


I would suggest you must change your strategy.

Why ?

10 in a row will rarly happen, it is difficult.

more likely is 4-5 or 4-7 depending on timeframe.

(based on expierience)

Also you didnt said anything how much pips TP and SL you consider?



So nice t see that people are still dreaming of getting rich in a day or two. Hope never dies


It is always so. If it wasn't forex would not exist


That is legend made to attract people that think that it is easily done. Turns their attention from a reall issues : risk managment and initial investment. You might make that money from $25, but the odds are at least million to one. all the other results, traded that way, end up in 0


that progression from the first post was invented in the first place to make people want to gamble. I did see a guy win 8 times in a row on a roulette. I would not recommend to anybody to do that - he lost a couple of years of his life in those few minutes while it lasted


From my theoretical knowlegde i gained in line with practice, i would not said it is impossible or nearly impossible.

It is just difficult similar to make a living from forex trading. The reason is you must have knowledge, and from that a ton xD

From my actual standpoint even if its difficult, the easiest way would be planning it to achive the goal in 6-9 Months.

On Daily timeframe the Trends on most pairs last from 9-12 Months or longer.

So with a proven strategy a person with background knowlegde can achieve it.

But not the average guy i woulb bet.


Starting with $25 is serious underfunding, and it lifts the risk so much that the chance of succeeding is close to 0. Underfunding is one of the main reasons of traders failure