Cannot find custom indicators copied in MT5


I have downloaded MT5 demo from Metaquotes, Version 5.00 Build 687.

Copied few Customs Indicators (made by Mladen) in Metatrader 5\MQL5\Indicators\My indicators folder.

After restarting the terminal, I cannot see the My indicators folder or any indicator in it.

I tried copying indicators to MQL5\Indicators\Examples folder. Same result, none of my indicators are visible.

What am I doing wrong? Please advise.


I had the same problem; at the beggining I felt like an idiot, then I gave up and deleted MT5 altogether from my computer.

Since then I have no problem with MT5.



Metatrader 5 versions "peculiarities"

It simply does not compile the code sometimes. In that case you have to go to metaeditor and compile the code manually (I had to do that over and over in the beginning, it seems that that "property" is back). So, you need to compile the code manually - it should work after that

Also, once you are in metaeditor, you can right click on "indicators" folder in the list of codes and chose "compile" - that should compile all the code in the indicators folder


Not working

Thanks Mladen, but its not working.

What I did:

Through Windows Explorer, selected and opened Metaeditor64 file from C:\Program files\MetaTrader 5.

I placed my custom indicators in (i) MetaTrader5\MQL5\Indicators folder, (ii) MetaTrader5\MQL5\Indicators\Examples folder, and (iii) MetaTrader5\MQL5\Indicators\My indicators folder; "My indicators" folder was created by me.

Only contents of My indicators are visible through Metaeditor64, File>Open>My indicators>DailyData

Indicators copied in Examples and Indicators folders are not visible.

On compiling, Error message was displayed-


can't open C:\Program Files\MetaTrader5\MQL5\Indicators\My indicators\DailyData.ex5" output expert file (5)

EX5 write error

2 error(s), 0 warning(s)"

What should I try next?



As far as I see that is windows 7 (correct me if I am wrong)

So, assuming that it is windows 7, the simplest way to avoid that kind of problems in windows 7 is to install metatrader at partition different than C: (I usually use D: for that) You are having a problem with windows 7 protection mechanisms. Also, this thread might be of help if that is really windows 7 :

Thanks Mladen, but its not working.

What I did:

Through Windows Explorer, selected and opened Metaeditor64 file from C:\Program files\MetaTrader 5.

I placed my custom indicators in (i) MetaTrader5\MQL5\Indicators folder, (ii) MetaTrader5\MQL5\Indicators\Examples folder, and (iii) MetaTrader5\MQL5\Indicators\My indicators folder; "My indicators" folder was created by me.

Only contents of My indicators are visible through Metaeditor64, File>Open>My indicators>DailyData

Indicators copied in Examples and Indicators folders are not visible.

On compiling, Error message was displayed-


can't open C:\Program Files\MetaTrader5\MQL5\Indicators\My indicators\DailyData.ex5" output expert file (5)

EX5 write error

2 error(s), 0 warning(s)"

What should I try next?

Still no relief

It is Windows 7 Home Basic, licensed.

Installed MT5 in another partition, compiled indicators manually successfully this time, but still not showing in navigator.



All I can advice is that you run it as administrator

If it does not work, sorry, but then I do not know what is going on with your metatrader 5

It is Windows 7 Home Basic, licensed. Installed MT5 in another partition, compiled indicators manually successfully this time, but still not showing in navigator.


PS; as I remember there were some problems with the 64 bit version, but do not remember exactly what were the problems. I don't use the 64 bit version (in my experience there must past some time for any such "new" software piece till it gains maturity which deserves to be used, so, for now I even do not use metatrader 5 except on a demo account)

Anyway, if you can avoid using it for some time I recommend that you do (avoid using it) till it is proven to be usable in a everyday safe (or at least with known and predictable "behavior") manner. In trading there is nothing worse than a software that does us nasty surprises (just imagine the Knight "affair" happening to anybody of us that can not risk those $400 millions)


Thanks Mladen

Thanks Mladen, you are always helpful.

I run it as administrator only.

As advised by you, I shall wait for a more user friendly version of MT5.


As far as I see that is windows 7 (correct me if I am wrong) So, assuming that it is windows 7, the simplest way to avoid that kind of problems in windows 7 is to install metatrader at partition different than C: (I usually use D: for that) You are having a problem with windows 7 protection mechanisms. Also, this thread might be of help if that is really windows 7 :

A few days ago I installed mt5 and I was having those the way i installed it in C:\mt5\ , What I did to avoid this problems was changing the destiny line of my desktop link to mt5 and metaeditor this link...

***to mt5***

Destiny: "C:\MetaTrader5 - Alpari (US)\terminal64.exe" /portable

***to metaeditor*** (I had to create a link)

Destiny: "C:\MetaTrader5 - Alpari (US)\metaeditor64.exe" /portable

the command line "/portable" was the i can see everything in my mt5 folder

One thing... you should not open a mt5 file by double-clicking on it, because you won´t open metaeditor in portable mode and by doing it you probably gonna have compilation problems as I had...

Source: Command Line - MetaTrader 5 Help


Thanks a lot.

Working now as it should.