Facebook stocks ... - page 10


Facebook gambles on real-money gambling apps to increase revenue

Facebook: Real money gambling to help generate additional revenue

Together with the "initiative" to allow younger than 12 to be members there, the goals seem to be decided already. I mean, this is clearly a game designed for the adults :

The "brave new world" ...


Nice. Going to tell my kid to go there right away

Facebook: Real money gambling to help generate additional revenue

Together with the "initiative" to allow younger than 12 to be members there, the goals seem to be decided already. I mean, this is clearly a game designed for the adults :

The "brave new world" ...


...taken today out of Yahoo-business: "FB 19.52 +0.00 +0.01%

can someone explain, why "+0.00=+0.01%"? zero is zero!:)


Did not check this one for quite some time. Interesting day they had yesterday (somebody dumping what he/she had?) :

FB:US 18.9750 USD 0.9050 4.55% 20:10:00 ET on 10/18/2012.

facebook.gif  11 kb


Interesting day for FB :
FB:US 23.4000 USD 3.9000 20.00%as of 11:35:19 ET on 10/24/2012

And a comment : Shea: I Don't Understand Why Facebook Is up 20%


When a broker "does not understand why price changed so much" it mostly means just one thing : insider trading

Interesting day for FB :
FB:US 23.4000 USD 3.9000 20.00%as of 11:35:19 ET on 10/24/2012

And a comment : Shea: I Don't Understand Why Facebook Is up 20%

Just the "same old" I think : somebody spread the "news" (the "rumor" part) and hoped that it will hold till the real news comes in. It would't be the first time regarding this one

When a broker "does not understand why price changed so much" it mostly means just one thing : insider trading